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摘 要 本文设计了基于数字图像处理和远程控制的智能环保卫士机器人白色垃圾拾取系统。 设计了基于数字图像处理技术的智能白色垃圾识别系统,采用CMOS数字图像传感器识别白色垃圾;采用以太网通信技术同Internet联网,实现双向互通;设计了斩波恒流细分步进电机驱动方案,驱动机器人拾取和回收目标垃圾;软件上采取了模糊PID算法,实现灵活的机器人控制;设计了最优化的垃圾搜寻路线确定算法,使机器人高效快捷地寻找目标垃圾。 系统采用数字图像处理技术对白色垃圾图像进行识别,运用模糊PID算法的舵机系统控制电机驱动部分,采用步进电机对目标垃圾进行拾取和回收,同时,根据服务性机器人的特点及需求,采用无线以太网接入Internet网,对机器人进行智能远程操控。 基本完成了环保卫士机器人的车体和电路部分,实现了白色垃圾的识别、拾取和回收功能。 基于数字图像处理技术结合以太网通信技术的环保机器人代替手动人力清扫白色垃圾的方案是可行的。 关键词:以太网通信;PID模糊算法;图像采集;环保机器人 Abstract This article is designed based on digital image processing, intelligent robots instead of manual cleaning of human waste in public places of the white system. Identification based on digital camera technology to identify the white trash, after identification by servo control to pick up on garbage and recycling targets and, based on the characteristics of service robots and demand, not through the operation of the hardware design to realize The Internet connection and intelligent control. The system uses image recognition technology, and special images of white trash image recognition algorithm; with Ethernet networking technology with the Internet, and wireless intelligent robot control; fuzzy PID algorithm designed out precision, stability of the rudder machine control system. The test and data analysis, the identification process of the white trash, white trash on the identification of more accurate to meet the needs of ordinary people; and in trials, intelligent robot work environment fast response, you can achieve clean and efficient environment. Based on the digital camera recognition technology to identify the white trash, Ethernet communication technology control the environmental robot system is feasible. Keywords: Ethernet; PID Fuzzy algorithm; Image Acquisition Environmental Robots 目 录 摘 要 I 目 录 I 第一章 绪论 1 1.1本系统设计的意义 1 1.2 环保机器人我国的发展前景 1 1.3国内外技术水平比较分析 2 1.4 环保机器人在我国发展趋势 2 1.5论文结构 3 第二章 环保机器人系统分析以及硬件设 4 2.1系统功能 4 2.2系统组成 4 2.3系统介绍 6 2.3.1主控器模块 7 2.3.2图像采集模块 7 2.3.3通信模块 11 2.3.4电机模块 15 2.3.5舵机模


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