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本科毕业设计说明书 题 目:聊城市冠县污水管网和 污水处理厂的设计 院 (部):市政与环境工程学院 专 业: 给水排水工程 班 级: 水工 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 完成日期: 2012 摘 要 本次设计为聊城市冠县污水管网和污水处理厂的设计。设计人口密度为360cap/ha,污水量标准为140L/(cap·d),污水管网遍布整个城区,污水管网全长46.69公里,污水管网服务面积977.27公顷。 根据城区地形等因素,确定确定污水主干管和干管。经过水力计算,最大埋设深度为7.88m,最大管径为DN1300,管材采用钢筋混凝土。 污水处理厂位于聊城市冠县东南部。污水处理量75000m3/d,占地75364 m2 。根据进、出水水质及脱氮除磷的要求,采用A-A-0曝气池工艺,其处理流程为:进水→粗格栅→泵站→细格栅→沉砂池→初沉池→A-A-0曝气池→二沉池→混合→过滤→消毒→出水。出水水质基本 《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)中的一级A标准。 管网总投0.59亿元,污水处理厂总投资为1.2亿元,处理水成本为0.747元。 关键词:污水管网;污水处理;A-A-O;脱氮除磷 ABSTRACT This is a design of wastewater treatment plant wastewater pipe network for liao cheng city. The population density of this design is 360cap/ha and the wastewater discharge quota is 140L/(cap·d). The drainage pipe network basically covers all over the town. The whole length of the wastewater pipe network is about46.69 km and the service area of the network is about977.27 hectares. According to the landform of the liao cheng city, the pipe network schemes are completed. Hydraulic calculation showed that the maximal burial depth of the pipe network is 7.88m and the maximal diameter of pipes is DN1300. The reinforced concrete pipes are adopted in this design. The wastewater treatment plant lies in the southeast of liao cheng guan xian. The disposed scale of wastewater treatment plant is 75000 m3/d and its area is about 75364 .According to the demand of nitrogen and phosphorus removal, also the quality of the influent and effluent, A-A-O. The treatment process is as follow: Influen Coarse grid → Pumping house → Thin grid → Grit chamber → Anaerobic pond →A-A-O → Secondary sedimentation tank →tertiary wastewater treatment→ Effluent. The quality of the effluent would reach the standardⅠ-A of the《Discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant》(GB18918-2002). Key Words: Wastewater pipe network; Wastewater treatment; A-A-O; nitrogen and phosphrous removal 摘 要 I ABSTRACT I 第一章 毕业设计任务及要求 - 1 - 1.1 毕业设计任务 -


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