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毕 业 论 文(设 计) 题目: 节能电梯的模拟控制研究 学 生: 第文龙 学 号: 20110311203 专 业: 电子信息工程 指导教师: 张开生 陕西科技大学职业教育师范学院 2015年 6月 2日 节能电梯的模拟控制研究 摘 要 本论文围绕电梯的模拟控制论题展开研究主要以MCU控制模块核心,控制台电路主要是完成电梯的启动、停止以及楼层数的显示,电梯内电路是用来让电梯内用户选择目标楼层(作为内招信号),电梯间电路是同来让电梯外用户选择目标楼层(作为外招信号),内外招使用按键按下与否而引起的电平的改变作为用户请求信息发送到MCU,MCU控制电动机转动,到达目标楼层。楼层检测模块一般采用传感器,实时检测反馈给MCU,来确定的电机的转停。报警模块作为电梯的求救系统。 该设计对电梯运行状况的简单模拟,对电机驱动这部分要求不是很严格,只需要实现电机的正反转就可以了,所以选择直流电机和L289N芯片驱动,可根据PWM调节脉宽进行电机调速和正反转。由L298N内部电路无续流二极管对三极管进行保护,所以必须在外部接线OUT1,OOUT2,OUT3,OUT4加入续流二极管保护电路。L298N的输出电流为2A,最高电流为4A,最高工作电压为50V. 利用光电传感器检测楼层,电梯行至楼层标志处(装有光电传感器)时,光槽光线被遮挡,引其电平变化,通过P3.6发送到单片机中R4计数,可实现楼层检测。并实时的,通过RXD和TXD,送到74HC164数码管显示当前楼层数。 关键字:单片机,电梯,模拟控制 Study On Simulation Control Of Energy Saving Elevator ABSTRACT This thesis is focused on the elevator simulation control topic studied mainly based on MCU control core module and control circuit is mainly completed the elevator starts, stops, and the floor number display, lift circuit is used to allow users in the elevator selection target floor (as in the move of signal), the circuit between the elevator is to let the outside the elevator users select the target floor (as the move of signal), move inside and outside use keys pressed and not caused by the level of change as users request information is sent to the MCU, MCU control motor rotation, reach the target floor.The floor detection module generally uses sensor, real-time detection feedback to MCU, to determine the motors turn to stop.?Alarm module as the elevator distress system. The design of elevator running status of simple simulation, the motor drive the requirements are not very strict, only need to achieve motor positive inversion, so the choice of DC motor and L289N chip drive, according to the PWM pulse width modulation of motor control and reversing.?The transistor is protected by the L298N internal circuit without the diode, so the protection



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