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空气滤清器壳落料、正反拉深复合模设计 摘 要 随着中国工业不断地发展,模具行业也显得越来越重要。本论文便是设计加工空气滤清器壳的模具。首先对加工零件进行了加工工艺和结构工艺的分析。通过计算毛坯尺寸和拉深系数提出了四种方案,最后确定采用落料、正反拉深复合模。对模具的排样做出了合理的布置,使材料利用率达到较高的水平。计算了冲压过程中所需要的各种冲压工艺力,包括落料力、卸料力、压边力、拉深力、顶料力等,并对压力机进行了合理的吨位初选。复合模在结构上采用了正装的形式,计算出了落料、正拉深和反拉深工作部分的尺寸。对模具的闭合高度进行了合理的确定,还设计出模具的主要零件落料凹模、凸凹模、反拉深凸模、反拉深凹模、凹模固定板等。列出了模具所需零件的详细清单,并给出了合理的装配图。由于拉深的深度较大,对压力机的电机也进行了功率校核并提出了润滑的附加工序,能使拉深顺利完成。最后对模具的一个主要零件导套进行了简单的加工工艺路线的制定。本设计对于采用单动压力机进行正反拉深具有一定的参考作用。 关键词 毕业论文;模具设计;复合模;正反拉深 ABSTRACT Develops unceasingly along with the Chinese industry, the mold profession also appears more and more importantly. The present paper then is designs the processing air filter shell the mold. First has carried on the processing craft and the structure craft analysis to the processing components. Proposed through the computation semifinished materials size and the drawing coefficient four kind of plans, finally determined uses falls the material, the pro and con drawing superposable die. Has made the reasonable arrangement to the mold platoon type, enables the material use factor to achieve the high level. Has calculated each ramming craft strength which in the ramming process needs, including falls nearby the material strength, the ex-denning strength, the pressure the strength, the drawing strength, the top material strength and so on, and has carried on the reasonable tonnage primary election to the press. The superposable die has used the true thing form in the structure, calculated fell the material, the drawing and the counter- drawing effective range size. Closed has carried on the reasonable determination highly to the mold, but also designs the mold the major parts to fall the material concave mold, the convex-concave mold, the counter- drawing raised mold, the counter- drawing concave mold, the concave mold dead plate and so on. Listed the mold to need the components the detailed detailed list, and has produced the reasonable assembly drawing. Because the drawing depth


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