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甘肃煤炭工业学校毕业论文 煤矿瓦斯和煤尘的监测与控制 摘 要 煤矿安全生产是目前社会重点关注的热点问题之一,尤其是在能源紧张,对煤碳的需求量不断增加的情况下,煤矿的安全生产问题更是值得我们关注,这也是建设平安和谐社会的重要组成部分。我们发现,大部分事故的罪魁祸首都是瓦斯或煤尘爆炸,瓦斯在煤矿的开采中是不可避免的。因此,矿井下的瓦斯和煤尘对煤矿的安全生产构成了重大威胁,做好煤矿井下瓦斯和煤尘的监测与控制是保证煤矿安全生产的关键所在。 本文求出总回风巷的瓦斯绝对涌出量和瓦斯相对涌出量,与所给标准进行比较,鉴别出该矿属于“高瓦斯矿井”。根据附表2中的监测数据统计各工作面和各巷道瓦斯浓度超标次数,作为出现不安全事件的频数,该频数与总监测次数之比作为出现不安全事件的程度,该煤矿不安全的程度为:。根据附图1,结合附表2的监测数据,按照煤矿开采的实际情况以及《煤矿安全规程》的实际要求,综合运用拟合、插值等方法解此非线性有约束极小问题,求出了该煤矿所需要的最佳(总)通风量,以及两个采煤工作面所需要的风量和局部通风机的额定风量。 关键词 瓦斯;通风量;拟合;非线性有约束极小问题 ABSTRACT The coal mine safety production is one of the focus that concerned by the public, especially under the background that the world is in short of energy and the demand of the coal is increasing continuously, the coal mine safety production is worthy of our better concern, and this is also contributed to build a safe and harmonious society. We find that most accidents should be due to the fire damp explosion or grime explosion, while the gas is unavoidable during the coal mine production. Therefore, the gas and the grime in the coal mine is very dangerous to the safety production, how to detect and control the gas and the grime is the key to make sure of the coal mine safety production. This paper figure out the absolute firedamp(QCH4)and the opposite firedamp(qCH4)in the wind circle lane, and then compare the result with the standard data, then confirm it’s ‘a high gas well’ .According to the monitor data in table 2,stat the times that gas density exceeded normal in each work department and each lane, and this can be seen as the frequency in which the insecurity affairs appeared, the ratio of the frequency and the total monitor times should be the insecurity degree, the insecurity degree of the coal mine is .According to both the actual instance of the coal mine production and the Coal Mine Safety Production Regulations, use the method of interpolation and fitting to resolve this problem. We get the total ventilation of the coal mine and the sums of the


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