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焦作 大 学 毕业设计(论文)说明书   作 者: 张彦圣 学 号: 2110314086 学院(系): 计算机前程导航 专 业: 游戏试玩 题 目: 论LOL的实操与运营在现今电子信息高速发展的时代,电子游戏已经深入人们的日常生活,成为老少皆宜的娱乐方式。但是游戏设计结合了日新月异的技术,在一个产品中整合了复杂的设计、艺术、声音和软件,所以并不是人人皆知。直到今天,在中国从事游戏设计的人仍然很少,但是游戏行业的发展之快,远超家电、汽车等传统行业,也正因为如此,游戏人才的教育、培养远落后于产业的发展。 适当的娱乐游戏对人们的业余生活是的。这些游戏给人们的业余生活添加了很多乐趣。 LOL说一下吧!它是一款3D游戏,模仿于倒塔,相当于是倒塔的简化版,花钱较少,能够暂时实现不切实际的愿望,因此,广受宅男和行为完全自主的各届同学的喜爱。对于这款靠不断更新出新人物和新皮肤来赚取利润的游戏,很多人都是乐于接受的。一款游戏的诞生必然与人们的兴趣爱好有关,故而,在此聊聊,应该无妨正常。游戏的始建,无外乎背景,人物,游戏方式,利润。这套体系自然是来自倒塔,所以,对战模式自然也是类同,只要操控好六键和鼠标,根据自己的特点选择符合自己的人物,学会补兵,补刀,gank,走位,团战,自然就会成为神。这款游戏因为是来自魔兽,自然不可能完全照抄,故而,肯定会有所创新,LOL的创新就在于天赋和符文的应用。 此次设计在Microsoft Windows XP系统下,以为在开发上进行游戏的设计与实践。 Abstract In the era of high-speed development of electronic information, computer game has enter people’s daily life, become an amusement adapt to old and young. But Game design is a combination of fast-moving technology, the complexity of integrating design、art、audio and software into a single production, so this technology isn’t known by everyone. up-to-date, there are few people work at game design all the same, whereas, the development of game industry more faster than traditional industry as home appliances and automobile, by the reason of this situation, the education and training of person with ability of game design drop behind the development of game industry. Proper recreation is indispensable in the people’s pasttime life.Certainly,these games enrich people’s life with 3D.Using the wing game for reference ,I developed and designed the realization arithmetic of lol.Next I designed a human-computer alternant game system (similar to card game ). The thesis has described the game history , has developed this game environment, development significance of game. The computer game design and practice are designed on 3D developing platform with 3D developing instrument, under Microsoft Windows XP system this time. Keyword:Game programming Game design


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