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毕业论文(设计) 题目 格兰云天酒店安全疏散 的安全性评价研究 学 号 姓 名 系 队 专业(方向) 指导教师 二○一一年五月 格兰云天酒店安全疏散的安全性评价研究 摘 要 摘 要:随着社会的不断发展和建筑技术的不断进步,高层酒店建筑大量涌现,由此带来的火灾安全问题也日益凸显。由于高层酒店火灾蔓延较快、疏散困难,一旦发生火灾,容易造成群死群伤事故和巨大的财产损失。 本文以格兰云天酒店标准层为研究对象,用事件树方法确定火灾场景,通过FDS软件对其进行火灾模拟,确定了不同火灾场景下的允许疏散时间(ASET);分别对火灾探测报警时间、预动作时间、疏散行动时间进行分析,根据以往学者对安全疏散的研究确定了火灾探测报警时间和预动作时间,利用Building EXODUS软件对火灾场景下的人员疏散进行模拟,得到该酒店标准层人员疏散行动时间,确定出安全疏散所需时间(RSET)。 模拟结果表明,当自动喷水灭火系统、排烟系统不能正常启动时,火灾烟气迅速蔓延,给人员疏散造成严重威胁;当自动喷水灭火系统、排烟系统均正常启动时,火灾烟气流动受到限制,给人员疏散创造了相对有利的条件。袋形走道尽头房间距最近安全出口距离虽满足规范要求,但在特定火灾场景下该安全出口不能正常使用,其中的人员难以安全疏散。针对这一问题,结合性能化火灾风险评估结果提出了该酒店标准层安全疏散的整改措施。 关键词 酒店; 火灾风险; 火灾模拟; 安全疏散 Evaluation on the Evacuation Design of Greenland Hotel Abstract Abstract: With the development of society and improvement on the architecture technology, there are a large number of high-rise hotels, which leads to many problems about fire safety. Due to the quickly flowing smoke and evacuation difficulty and so forth problems of these buildings, once fired, it is easy to result in mass injuries and huge property losses. In this paper, the evacuation design of the common floor of Greenland Hotel is researched. The fire scenarios is determined with event tree analysis. The ASET in the different scenarios is determined by the simulation with the software of FDS .Td and tpre is got from the empirical value. The evacuation is simulated with the software of Building EXODUS to get tmove. Thus, RSET is determined. The result shows that when sprinkler system and smoke evacuation system cannot be started, the smoke flows quickly, threatening the evacuation safety. And when the two systems above is responded normally, it is good to the evacuation. The distance from the room located in the dead end to the close exit conforms to the requirements. However, the close exit cannot be used in some particular fire scenarios so that the safety of pe



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