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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Those who constantly live off of welfare and those who have money but pretend to be poor in order to get welfare are the scum of society. Crooks abound in our society, from small-time to big-time. 「老是靠救濟金過日子的人,或者是有錢卻故意裝窮人,騙取政府救助金的人,均是社會上的敗類。社會上有太多太多的騙子,從小騙子到大騙子都有。」 ? Those people who have money but pretend to be poor in order to get welfare are small-time crooks. Those politicians who embezzle money and cheat on votes are big-time criminals. Whether big-time or small-time, skimming money is always wrong. 「 有錢卻故意裝窮人,騙取救濟金的人,算是小騙子。政冶人物騙錢、騙選票,算是大騙子。不論大騙子、小騙子,他們A錢的行為,都是不正確的示範。」 It’s wrong to skim money whether they are a big-time criminal or a small-time crook. 「不論是大騙子或小騙子,他們A錢的行為,都是錯誤的。」 ? It’s wrong to commit a crime in order to rid yourself of poverty or to seize power and profit. 「為了脫離貧窮,做出不正當的行為,這是不對的。為了奪權奪利,做出不正當的行為,這也是不對的。 ? As we say no to poverty, we must also say no to greed and illegal actions. 「在拒絕變窮的同時,也要拒絕貪婪 ,拒絕做不法的事。」 Those unscrupulous businessmen haven’t got a lick of conscience when they only care about maximizing their own profit and not about others lives. 「某些廠家只顧自己的暴利,不管他人死活,這種賺取黑心錢的黑心商人實在沒良心。」 ? If a society has many unscrupulous businessmen, this is representative of a social morality that is sinking. 「如果一個社會上存在著許多黑心商人,這就代表這一個社會道德是下沈的。」 If you disregard moral and legal standards, no matter how much dirty money you make, you’ll still live in shame. 「忽視道德與法律的標準 / 準則,任意妄為的賺黑心錢,就算你有錢,那也是可恥的。」 ? No one should engage in illegal activities or make others poor just to gain wealth for themselves. It’s immoral to amass wealth for yourself while causing others to become poor and ill. 「沒有人可以因為自己想變富,就可以去做非法的事。也沒有人因為想自己變富,就可以讓別人變窮。只顧自己變富,而不顧他人變窮 / 變生病是不道德的。」 You can love money, but only love legitimate money. You can make money, but only make ethical money. 「人可以愛錢,但是一定要愛合法的錢。人可以賺大錢,但是一定要賺,合乎道德的錢。」 ? Skimming money makes one richer and others poorer. This behavior is utterly immoral and atrocious


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