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简单句的语调 反意疑问句逗号前用降调,逗号后如提问者希望对方回答用升调;如提问者仅仅希望对方加以证实时用降调 You work in a computer company, don’t you? 选择疑问句一般前面选择都用升调,最后一个选择用降调 Is he going to visit China before, during, or after the Olympic Games? 祈使句一般在表示命令时用降调 Stay right here. Don’t go away till I come back. 感叹句一般用降调 How wonderful it would be if you could go with us! 简单句的语调 陈述句一般用降调 There is a young man standing by the window with a gun in his hand. 一般疑问句一般用升调 Has he been away from home for a long time? 特殊疑问句一般用降调 What changes have taken place in their village in the past twenty years? 升调的作用 表示疑问,惊讶 --- I lost my bike. --- Again? 比较客气的口气 Oh, it’s very kind of you. Thank you! 句子未完,还不肯定、不完整、不独立 I bought a pen, a toothbrush, a basin, and some toilet paper. 降调的作用 明确、肯定、果断、干脆、完整、独立 Today everybody knows that the earth moves round the sun. We will move across the river tomorrow. That’s an order! 升降调朗读练习 A: Eat yet? B: No. You? A: You hungry? B: Little bit. A: Want a sandwich? B: Sure, thanks. 升降调朗读练习 A: What’s the matter? Upset stomach? B: Not really. Just tired. Kid asleep? A: Not yet. Coffee ready? B: In a minute. Tired, honey? A: A little. 长句和复合句的语调 不能也不宜一口气读完,而应该按意群适当停顿。 句首状语,较长的名词性词组或从句一般都用升调。 Well, if that’s the case, explain why I often see you standing out in front of the house, looking up at the sky. 如果主句在前,从句在后,则从句的语调随主句语调而定。 What was he doing when you saw him? 长句和复合句的语调 做定语用的短语和定语从句的语调与所修饰的词的语调一致。 Do you know the man sitting on the right side of our president? 并列复合句如两部分联系紧密,前一分句用升调,后一分句用降调;如联系并不紧密,或同等重要,也可都用降调。 His wife is a teacher, and she teaches very well. 长句和复合句的语调 在含有直接引语的句子中,引号中的直接引语部分要感情充沛,而引号外的部分要低一音阶,而且读得要轻一些,以表示不属于引语部分。 “Yes,” his father said slowly, “But I sure do hate to wake him.” 插入语读时要比句子的主要成分低一音阶,而且读得要轻一些,快一些,以表示不属于句子主要部分。 Twenty years, it seems to me, is a long time between meetings. 长句语调练习 This officer was standing across a small counter from a young white boy who was wearing a V-necked sweater. He had sandy hair, and I think I was especially aware of him because he looked more like a kid


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