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Good Bye 基数词和序数词的表示法 (4) 21-99 twenty-one, thirty-two,forty-three, fifty-four,sixty-five,seventy-six, eighty-seven,ninety-eight (5) 101-999 如: one hundred and one, two hundred and thirty nine hundred and ninety-nine Ordinal number序数词: first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth 1st - 2nd - 3rd- 4th - 5th - 6th - 7th - 8th - 9th - 10th- 11th - eleventh 12th - twelfth 13th - thirteenth 14th -fourteenth 15th - fifteenth 16th-sixteenth 17th -seventeenth 18th -eighteenth 19th -nineteenth 20th -twentieth 21st - twenty-first 30th - thirtieth … 90th - ninetieth 100th - one hundredth 101st - one hundred and first Ordinal number序数词: 基数词变序数词的方法: 基变序,有规律, 一二三,特殊记, first second third th要从四加起, fourth … ve要用f代替, fifth twelfth 八加h,九减e, eighth ninth 19,90不去e, nineteenth ,ninetieth 词尾是y 变ie, thirtieth ,fortieth… 然后再加th, 几十几,几百几, thirty-first 前为基数尾用序。 One hundred and twelfth 基数词序数词的用法 hundred, thousand, million 与数字连用, 表示一定量的具体数字,不用复数, 但表示不定概念可用复数 例:three hundred people, millions of people 2. 基数词表示时刻。 例:7点 seven o’clock, 7:20 seven twenty 钟点表示法: 直接表示法:6:30 six thirty 5:10 five ten 间接表示法: 30分钟 :(60-分钟)to (钟点+1) =30分钟:分钟past 钟点 eg: 1、6:15 six fifteen/ a quarter past six 2、4:30 four thirty/ half past four 3、6:35 six thirty-five/ twenty-five minutes to seven 4、9:10a.m nine ten a.m. 基数词的用法 a quarter =fifteen minutes a quarter to= forty-five minutes half =thirty 分钟不是5的倍数,后加minute或minutes 在几整点 at … o’clock 注意: 1:05 4:30          one five five minutes past one 2:11 6:45 3:15 7:56 six forty-five a quarter to seven four thirty half past four seven fifty-six four minutes to eight three fifteen a quarter past three two eleven eleven minutes past two 3. 给某些事物编号 Bus No. 729   R


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