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* Hope never abandons you; you abandon it. 希望从来不会放弃你,是你放弃了希望! When the world says, Give Up! Hope whispers,“ Try it one more time. 当全世界都要我放弃时 还是希望有人 能轻语一声 再试一次 Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day. 不要放弃任何人, 奇迹每天都会发生 Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力! The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. 人生的悲剧不是没有实现目标, 而是没有目标可实现。 Use your smile to change the world. Dont let the world change your smile. 用你的笑容去改变这个世界 别让这个世界改变了你的笑容 Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what. 不论做什么事 相信你自己 别让别人的一句话 将你击倒 We focus on the past, and all we feel is pain. But if we focus on the future, all we see is possibilities. 当我们沉溺于过去 感受到的都是伤痛 但如果我们关注的是未来 呈现在我们面前的都是希望 I believe that we are what we choose to be. Nobody’s going to come and save you; you’ve got to save yourself. 我相信我们成为怎样的人 是我们自己的选择 没有人会来拯救你 你必须要自己拯救自己 Winners never quit; quitters never win. 成功者永远不言弃 放弃者永远不成功 Do not pray for easy lives; Pray to be stronger men. 不要祈祷生活的舒适 祈祷自己变得更坚强 Not every effort counts. But every harvest comes from hard effort. 不是每一次努力都会有收获, 但是,每一次收获都必须努力。 It takes courage to follow your mind. But it takes everything to follow your heart. 跟着理智走 要有勇气 跟着感觉走 要倾其所有的决心 No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, believe that happiness is waiting. 不管雨下了多久 雨后都将会有彩虹 不管你有多悲伤 要坚信,幸福在等你 Be hopeful! Hope never abandons you; you abandon it. 希望从来不会放弃你,是你放弃了希望! When the world says, Give Up! Hope whispers,“ Try it one more time. 当全世界都要我放弃时 还是希望有人 能轻语一声 再试一次 Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day. 不要放弃任何人, 奇迹每天都会发生 Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力! The tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. 人生的悲剧不是没有实现目标, 而是没有目标可实现。 Use your smile to change the world. Dont let the world change your smile. 用你的笑容去改变这个世界 别让这个世界改变了你的笑容


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