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机械电气工程学院本科毕业 设计说明书 题目:棉桃收获与棉秆还田联合作业机 采摘输送系统设计研究 院 (系): 专 业: 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 完成日期: 摘 要 新疆地区是中国最重要的棉花生产基地,据统计,2013年新疆棉花总产量为340万吨,已超过全国棉产量的50%,居全国第一。但是,由于新疆光热资源不稳定及棉花个体特性差异,部分棉桃不吐絮,据调查,棉花收获后,平均每株棉花上留有棉桃0.8个,若将其全部收获,经济效益十分可观。但是,随着棉花种植面积的不断增加,劳动力严重不足,霜后的棉桃大多放弃不收,损失很大。如果我们利用棉桃收获机械将半开或未开的棉桃采摘下来,就可以节约劳动力、降低成本从而减少大部分的经济损失。目前,国外并没有专门的棉桃收获机械,而我国对于棉桃收获机的研究还不够成熟,所以还没有大量投入生产的棉桃收获机。因此,研制出一种工作可靠、采净率高、效率高的棉桃收获机对于提高新疆棉花的产量具有重大的意义和作用。本设计通过分析计算确定了采摘滚筒的直径和滚筒一周安装弹齿的排数,还对弹齿的尺寸和外形进行了设计,最后采用刮板式输送带进行输送。结构合理而紧凑,通过有效模仿人工采摘的动作,能快速高效的采摘棉桃,因此极大的提高了工作效率,降低了工作强度。 关键词:棉桃收获;采摘装置;输送 Abstract Xinjiang is the most important production base for cotton in China, according to statistics, Xinjiangs cotton production was 3.4 million tons,more than 50% of the national cotton production and ranking first in the country in 2013. However, due to the instability in the light and heat resources in Xinjiang and the?differentces of cotton individual characteristics,some of the cotton bolls cannot open. According to the survey, it leaves 0.8 cotton bolls per plant on average the cotto after n harvest. If all of cotton bolls were harvested, the economic benefits are substantial. However, with the continuous increase in cotton acreage and a serious shortage of labor,most of the frost cotton bolls are not harvested and the loss is great.If we use the cotton boll harvester picked the half-open bolls and the not open bolls,we will save labor and reduce costs and thus reduce most of the economiclosses. At present,there is no?cotton bolls?harves –ting machinery?specialized,?and our research on?cotton bolls?harvester?is not mature enough, so?no?cotton bolls harvester?mass production.Therefore,?to develop a?work reliable,?high pic –king rate,?high efficiency?of?cotton bolls?harvesting machine has great significance?and effec -ts for improving the boll cotton prod


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