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设计说明书 题目:某某某某文化馆空调系统设计 年 06月05日 毕 业 设 计 中 文 摘 要 摘 要 本设计为某某某某文化馆空调系统,设计内容包括冷热负荷计算,空气处理方案的选择,空调末端设备选型,水管路和风管路系统的设计计算及附属设备的选型,并进行设计说明书的编制和施工图的绘制。设计坚持可持续发展理论,树立了节约能源和全寿命周期成本分析的科学理念,从节能和环保出发,综合考虑建筑结构、使用要求、环境条件,在系统的选择、设备的选配及系统的运行控制等方面采取一定的节能措施,使系统在各种工况下均能高效节能运行。根据节能设计标准要求,结合计算软件,采用冷负荷系数法对整个大楼的冷负荷进行逐时计算;分析负荷日变化和全年变化情况,通过多个方案的可行性论证和经济性比较,结合实际的能源政策,选用了水冷式离心机组的冷源运行策略。空调系统采用风机盘管加独立新风的空气―水系统。在设计计算的基础上,还进一步分析比较了不同建筑维护结构、设计参数、空调方案等对能耗的影响,提出空调系统各环节存在的问题及节能潜力。    关键词:舒适性空调 可持续发展 建筑节能 室内空气品质                                                                                   毕 业 设 计 外 文 摘 要 Title The concertrated Air Conditioning system of Shangjie Zhengzhou District Culture Museum Abstract This design is about the concertrated air conditioning system of Shangjie Zhengzhou District Culture Museum, including a series of design contents such as cooling load calculation, scheme comparision,selecting and calculating the water system and ventilation system, as well as selecting air terminal devices and appurtenances, and working out the design instruction and drawing the construction drawings employing CAD. During the design , I adhere to sustainable development ,set a scientific conctept of resources and a total life cycle cost analysis. Based on the energy conservation and environmental protection ,I consider intergatedly into the building structures ,the feature of demands ,and the environment conditions. Some energysaving measures are adopted during the choice of system scheme ,equipment matching and operational control to achieve high efficiency in various operating conditions . According to energy-efficient design standards , the cooling load of the whole building is calculated with the harmonic wave method, combining to computer software. Water cooled screw rod unit is used to supply the cooled air conditioning water, while using gas-fired hot water boilder as the heat source. Fan coil unit and the independent fresh air system is the main choice in the de


李天佑 + 关注


