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2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛初一年级组样题 全国中学生英语能力竞赛组委会办公室 提供 (时间:120分钟 总分:150分) 听力部分(共四大题,计30分)(略) 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)。(共20小题,计20分)   A)英语基础知识。 31. 英语是 _________ 文字。_________ 是以英语作为母语的国家。   A. 拼音;澳大利亚 B. 象形;英国 C. 图形;德国 D. 拼音;印度 32. 《阿 _________ 正传》是鲁迅的一本小说。字母 _________可以表示一种饮料。   A. C;T B. Q; T C. Q; U D. C; I 33. 单词首字母都要大写的一组是 _________。   A. 英语句子的首词;数词  B. 国家名词;缩略词   C. 月份名词;星期名词   D. 职务名词;单词I 34. 邮政速递公司常用 _________ 表示;_________则表示加拿大广播公司。   A.EMS;CBB  B.SME;CBC  C.SEM;BBC  D.EMS;CBC 35. 书写上没有错误又合乎英语习惯表达的句子是_________。   A. yes, I am.      B. Thiss my computer.   C. Im in Two Grade.  D. Whats this in English?   B)选出下列各题的最佳答案。 36. _________ are all in Class Eight.   A. You, I and she    B. I, you and she   C. She, you and he   D. You, she and I 37. I have _________ orange coat. It is on _________ sofa of my _________ room.   A. an; an; /  B. an; the; /  C. a; a; a  D. the; the; a 38. —_________ one is your friend?   —_________ in blue.   A. What; The one     B. Who; The friend   C. Which; The friend   D. Which; The one 39. —Are these books_________?   —No, theyre not _________. I think they are those_________.   A. your; my; students   B. yours; mine; students   C. your; me; studentss  D. yours; I; student 40. Its cold outside. Look _________ your brother. Let him put _________ this coat.   A. at; off  B. after; on  C. for; in  D. out; down 41. At school Toms number is _________. His birthday is June _________.   A. twenty one; four   B. twenty-one; four   C. twenty-one; fourth  D. twentyone; forth 42. There are forty _________ and nine hundred_________ in our school.   A. woman teachers; girl student   B. women teachers; girls students   C. women teachers; girl students   D. women teachers; girls student 43. My sister is only three years old. But she can _________ story books and _________ TV.   A. see; see      B. read; watch   C. reads; watches   D. see; watch 44. —Ten and two is twelve.   —_________  


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