A day out教学课件5.pptVIP

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A day out教学课件5

zxxk Task 1: Fill in the blanks. Place Linda saw at the school gate on the city roads at the gate of the World Park in the park a lot of traffic the Eiffel Tower Kitty, Mr. Wu, the students, a bus more than 100 places of interest, the Golden Gate Bridge, the song and dance show Hi! I’m Linda. at the school gate on the city roads on the highway at the gate of the World Park inside the park Task 2: Retell Linda’s day At the school gate, …invited…to…, a great day but…at the beginning. Met/got on/took 2 hours/boring On the city roads, heavy traffic/felt… On the highway, the traffic got… At the gate of the World Park, sky/we saw / became / got off/not sick any more/ wanted…/enjoy… Inside the park, the whole world…/ over…places of interest…/bridge/not believe my eye/best zxxk Task 3: Phrases 1. 邀请某人做某事 2. 参加他们的学校 旅游 3. 开始,起初 4. 在学校门口 5. 上/下长途汽车 invite sb. to do sth. join their school trip at the beginning at the school gate get on/off a coach 6. 交通拥挤 7. 在路上 8. 很遥远 9. 超过 10. 到达 11. 变得激动 a lot of traffic on the way far away more than arrive at/in become excited 由金属制成 和……一样 玩得开心 整个世界 名胜古迹 令人惊奇的一天 来自全世界 be made of metal as…as… enjoy oneself the whole world a place of interest/ places of interest an amazing day from all over the world 1. We finally arrived at the park. finally = at last /in the end 可以放在句 首,也可以放在句末 。 e.g. ____________, we won the basketball match. 最后,我们终于赢得这场篮球赛。 Finally/At last arrive in/at = get to = reach “到达”+ 名词 arrive / get + home/ here/ there(副词) e.g. He may ____________________ the bus stop soon. She __________ home early today. What time does the plane ___________________ Beijing. He __________ there earlier than others. arrive at/ reach/ get to arrived/ got arrive in/ reach/ get to arrived/ got zxxk 2. All of us couldn’t wait to get off the bus. get off 下车 e.g. He’ll te



