Adventure in Literature and the Cinema教学课件4.pptVIP

Adventure in Literature and the Cinema教学课件4.ppt

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Adventure in Literature and the Cinema教学课件4

Minzhi makes every effort to look for him.With the help of kind people,she appears on television.The boy sees the crying Minzhi on television and finally he goes back to his school. The film is liked by many audiences not only because it is simple and moving but also because the people in the film use their real names and play themselves.It is a really enjoyable film. 类文点津 1.整体思路: 在第一段简单引入电影《一个都不能少》及其导演,然后在第二段结合所给要点,适当补充细节,简要概述该电影的主要内容,要做到文章完整流畅。对该电影的评论不需要写得太多,但要言之有理,可从电影的拍摄风格、主题思想、社会影响和人们的相关评价等方面展开评论。 2.篇章结构: 影评也最好采取三段式。正如上面所谈到 的,第一段简要引入《一个都不能少》,第二段根据要点提示对其主要内容进行适当描述,第三段则要进行恰当的评论。一定要确保各段落间的过渡自然流畅。 3.遣词造句: 细心观察图画,电影的英文名字是“Not One Less”。参考前面所谈及的话题词汇和句型,运用第三人称和一般现在时,不可忽视句子之间的过渡和衔接。力争做到表意清 晰,语言流畅,切忌机械翻译。 课时活页 词语串串练 Mark Twain,one of America’s greatest writers,①established his reputation for his great works.His novel,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,set in the USA in the 19th century,is in fact his ②biography_ rather than a fiction he had created.That is,his own life resembled the lives of the characters he ③made_up. As an adolescent,Mark Twain was determined to make his fortune.He set off from his hometown to South America.Unfortunately,he was forced to stay on a steamboat to work as a ④pilot for several years.Twain’s vivid and amusing accounts of life on the river still make people feel in the mood to read the novel now.The novel has won countless ⑤reviews in the world.Here is a part of this novel. The main character,Huck,and his companion,Jim,⑥ran_away.They sailed down the Mississippi River on a raft.Because the rain poured down,they were staying inside the ⑦shelter when Huck saw a steamboat in the middle of the river.He also heard a man’s angry answer “You’re ⑧lying”.Jim felt very frightened and panicked,while Huck felt a little curious and crawled to the steamboat. He saw a man with ⑨beard beating another man,tied up with rope.Huck decided to save the injured.He ⑩played_a_trick_on anddisturbed that man with beard.The two boys and the injured man paddled aw



