A day out教学课件16.pptVIP

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A day out教学课件16

Unit3 A day out Welcome to the unit 小组合作朗读单词(整齐,响亮) 1.我们自己(pron.) 2、澳大利亚n. 3、咖啡 4.顶部, (物体的)上面n. 5. 总统,国家主席 (n.) 6.---宽的;宽广的adj. 7、钢n. 8、吨n. ourselves Australia coffee president top wide steel ton 小组合作背诵词组(熟练,整齐) 1、来吧,赶快、快点、加油 2、玩得高兴、过得愉快(7种) 3、 保重 4、去锻炼 5、 去爬山 6.需要锻炼和保持健康 go to climb a hill go to exercise come on enjoy oneself =have fun= have a good/great/nice/wonderful /lovely time take care need to exercise and keep fit 7.这座小山没有真的高。 This hill isn’t as high as a real one. 8、乘船旅行 take a boat trip 9在著名的港湾大桥下 under the famous Harbour Bridge 10、今天下午 11经过悉尼歌剧院 go past the Sydney Opera House 12、在塞纳河边的小咖啡店里 in a little coffee shop by the River Seine 13. 去艾菲尔塔顶 go to the top of the Eiffel Tower this afternoon 14. 一幢带有大花园和许多树的漂亮大楼 a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees 15、美国总统 the President of the USA 16.(美国) 金门大桥 the Golden Gate Bridge 17、白宫 18. 九十英尺宽 19. 由钢制成 be made of steel 20. 重达十万多吨 weigh over 100,000 tons the White House 90 feet wide 21.你打算干什么?我打算去锻炼。 What are you going to do ? I’m going to exercise. 1、What is Eddie going to do? 2、Is Eddie going to climb the hill? Listen to the dialogue on P30 and answer the questions Yes, he is. He is going to exercise. Read the dialogue by yourselves and try to act it out! Group work! Do you like travelling? Do you know these places of interest? Do you know where they are? 1、 C 2、 b 3、 a the White House the Eiffel Tower the Opera House Read the postcards and choose a, b or c The UAS France Australia Look at the postcards and answer: 1.Who sent the first postcard? Nick 2.Which city did he go to? Sydney 3.What did he see there? The famous Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House 1、 How long is the Golden Gate Bridge? 2、How wide is the bridge? Listen to the dialogue on P31 and answer the questions It is 90 feet wide. Its very long,about 1.7miles. Make a new dialogue using Simon’s conversation as a model. Group work



