An old man tried to moved the mountains教学课件5.pptVIP

An old man tried to moved the mountains教学课件5.ppt

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An old man tried to moved the mountains教学课件5

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. 了解《糖果屋》的背景知识。 了解戏剧的特点。 3. 借助背景知识理解文章,并完成相应 题目。 4. 能通过表演等方式复述糖果屋的故事 。 学习目标 Preview feedback-预习反馈 继母 妻子 丈夫 全部的 场景 月光 发光 地面 带路 stepmother wife husband whole scene moonlight shine ground lead 在森林里 整个家庭 计划做某事 出去 在月光下 迷路 醒来 在地面上 几片面包 改变计划 in the forest the whole family plan to do go outside in the moonlight be lost wake up on the ground pieces of bread change one’s plan 1. 天气干旱,没有食物能够生长。 The weather was so dry that no food would grow. 2. 当月光皎洁时,我们就能看到石头。 When the moon is shining brightly, we’ll be able to see the stones. 3. 我正在沿路丢石子。 I am dropping white stones along the way. The introduction of background information Hansel and Gretel 《汉塞尔与葛雷特》 (《糖果屋》) From: Grimm’s Fairy Tales 格林童话 brave, wise, smart Grimm’s Fairy Tales From: Germany(德国) folklore(民间传说) First published(出版):1812 Collect(收集,加工): By the Brothers Grimm(格林兄弟) [来源:Z|xx|k.Com] German(德国人) Linguist (语言学家) Historian(历史学家) The number(数量): more than 200 stories(200余则) Three great collections fairy tales in the world. 世界童话三大宝库 What kind of text is it? A letter? A short story? A play? √ [来源:Z|xx|k.Com] 戏剧一般根据不同的场景分为不同的幕(Scene) 人物对白为主,偶尔会有旁白和舞台指示语 有的戏剧文本会对背景有所介绍 Play . The children get lost. . The children wake up. . The children cannot find the pieces of bread. . Gretel learns about Hansels plan. . The children surprise the parents. . Hansel has to change his plan. . The children learn that something bad is going to happen. 2c. Match each description below with the correct scene. SCENE ONE:______________________ Gretel: Did you hear our stepmother planning to kill us? Hansel: Don’t worry! I have a plan to save us. Gretel: How can you save us? Hansel: Be quiet! I’m going outside to get something in the moonlight. Now, go to sleep. G: the children learn that something bad is going to happen SCENE TWO:______________________ Wife: Get up, lazy children! Husband: Yes, dea




