12 Global Human Resource Management.ppt

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12 Global Human Resource Management

* * International Business (12) Huang Huiping Economic School.Whut 12. Global Human Resource Management In this Unit: Human resource management (HRM); Staff policy Expatriate Managers Training and management development Performance appraisal Compensation International labor relations 12.0 Organization: The Implementation of Strategy Organization architecture: can be used to refer to the totality of a firm’s organization, including: - formal organizational structure, - control systems and incentives, - organizational culture, - processes, - people. (组织结构:指企业组织整体,包括正式组织机构、控制和激励系统、组织文化、工作流程和人员) Figure : Organizational Architecture (1)Organizational structure : the formal division of the organization into subunits the location of decision-making responsibilities within that structure (centralized versus decentralized) the establishment of integrating mechanisms to coordinate the activities of subunits including cross-functional teams or pan-regional committees (2)Control systems are the metrics used to measure performance of subunits and make judgments about how well managers are running those subunits Incentives are the devices used to reward appropriate managerial behavior (3)Processes are the manner in which decisions are made and work is performed within the organization (4)Organizational culture refers to the norms and value systems that are shared among the employees of an organization (5)People refers to not just the employees of the organization, but also the strategy used to recruit, compensate, and retain those individuals and the type of people they are in terms of their skills, values, and orientation In Sum: Strategic Fit Operations strategy Organization architecture Strategy Market conditions supports supports supports fits 12.1 Intro. Human Resource Management : refers to the activities an organization carries out to utilize its human resources effectively These activities include: determining the firm's human resou


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