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According to the definition, find the proper words. According to the definition, find the proper words. writing 最近我们班讨论了关于克隆的话题,引发了激烈的讨论,请就此话题写一篇文章。内容包括克隆的利与弊以及你个人的看法。(要求合理运用虚拟语气) (35分)字数:120 Module 5 Cloning and DNA Revision technical terms 基因 gene 酸性的 acid 细菌 bacteria 胚胎 embryo 酶 enzyme 组织 tissue 有机体 organism 干细胞 stem cell 基因的,遗传学的 genetic 生物多样性的 biodiversity Work in pairs and answer the questions. What is___? 1. DNA the fundamental component of life Scannig: 2. a clone an organism which is genetically identical to another 3. a stem cell 4. the genetic make-up of a person or a plant a cell that can develop into every other type of cell the particular genes that give a person their physical characteristics 5. bacteria very small organisms that cause diseases chemicals formed in the body 6. an enzyme Read the passage and find the paragraphs which describe: 1. when the structure of DNA was discovered 2. how to clone something 3. four possible reasons for cloning 4. the disadvantages of cloning 5. the research into DNA has helped solve crime 6. Cohen and Boyer discovered a procedure P1 P3 P4-7 P4-7 P8 Fast reading P2 P1 (DNA and gene) P3 (cloning) P8 (DNA in helping solve crime) P4-7 (advantages and disadvantages) Structure of the passage P2 (procedure) Detailed reading I. Para. 1 ---Para. 3 1953 1866 Discovery Scientist Time Mendel Watson and Crick Cohen and Boyer both parent plants have influenced the genetic make-up of the new plant The structure of acid DNA A procedure to use enzymes to unzip the DNA, to cut out a sequence of genes and finally insert them into the host cell and combine with its DNA 1973 a transparent twisting ladder 透明的双螺旋结构 made of the fundamental components of li


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