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Types of Variation COMMON CAUSE (Random Variation) SOURCES OF VARIATION WITHIN A PROCESS THAT HAS A STABLE AND REPEATABLE DISTRIBUTION OVER TIME. Exists in every operation/process Caused by the process itself (due to the way we do business) Generally management controllable SPECIAL CAUSE (Assignable) SOURCES OF VARIATION THAT ARE NOT ALWAYS PRESENT BUT WHEN THEY OCCUR MAKE THE OVERALL PROCESS DISTRIBUTION CHANGE. WITH SPECIAL CAUSE VARIATION, THE PROCESS OUTPUT IS NOT STABLE OVER TIME. Exists in most operations/processes at one time or another, and continually in some. Caused by unique disturbances or a series of them. Generally operator controllable (or at least detectable). Pre-Control Alternative Controls -Will do the same thing for you as SPC but are simpler to use -Currently our business is more focussed on SPC but alternative controls are being touted by many as the preferred control methods of the future. Language like “pre-control” makes you think that these techniques are less advanced than SPC and should be used prior to your process being in control. However, reality is that they are more advanced and are really only effective when your process capability is at least 2 sigma. Main Points: 1. Simply to list advantages and disadvantages of Pre-Control Charting over other Control chart methods (like X-bar, R). 2. Note this tool is for variable data only. 3. This is a tool which requires charting and action to be taken when the points are out of control. Further explanations of the Advantages listed above in case someone asks: 1. When the chart indicates that the equipment needs to be stopped an adjustment needs to be made or the tooling changed out in order to produce good parts. 2. Due to the nature of the charting process the production pieces must be centered or the charts will not let you run. 3. If different sized parts have the same specification limits (ex. 10” + .5” and 3” + .5”) then you can set the limits for


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