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A TV Interview on Jane Goodall I’d like to welcome someone special to our program this evening to tell us about chimpanzees. We’ve discovered a lot about chimpanzees over the last 30 years, and this is mostly because of the work of one person, Jane Goodall. Good evening, Jane. 我想欢迎一个特殊嘉宾来到我们节目,来告诉我们关于猩猩的事。 I’d like to welcome someone special to our program this evening to tell us about chimpanzees. 我们发现大量的有关猩猩的的事在过去30年里,这主要是因为一个人的工作,简。古德尔。 We’ve discovered a lot about chimpanzees over the last 30 years, and this is mostly because of the work of one person, Jane Goodall. 晚上好,谢谢你邀请我到你的节目中。 Good evening ,Steve, and thank you for inviting me to your show. When did you first become interested in chimpanzees, Jane? 我开始研究他们的行为在1960,当时我只有26.我一直想要和动物打交道,虽然我没有任何的特殊训练或知识。 I began studying their behavior in 1960, when I was only 26. I’d always wanted to work with animals, although I didn’t have any special training or knowledge. Where did you go to study their way of life? I went to Tanzania in East Africa and worked in the Gombe Stream Chipanzee Reserve. It’s now called the Gombe National Park. That must have been quite an adventure. Did you go there alone? No. I took my mother and we had an African cook. Did the chimpanzees accept you immediately? No, it took a long time. I used to spend all day with them, observing them and learning about their way of life. I found them fascinating and wanted to know as much as I could about them. However, it was a long time before they accepted me and let me get very close to them. It was only after 18months of waiting that the chimpanzees finally decided I wasn’t going to hurt them. Finally they took me as a part of the forest. 不,这花了很长时间。我常常花全天和他们在一起,观察他们和学习他们的生活方式。 No, it took a long time. I used to spend all day with them, observing them and learning about their way of life. 我发现他们令人着迷,想要尽可能多的了解他们。 I found them fascinating and wanted to know as much as I could about them. 然而,花了很长时间他们才接受我并且让我接近他们。 However, it was a long time before they


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