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摘要 钢铁产业是国民经济的基础产业,在一国经济发展中具有举足轻重的作用。近年来,随着钢铁产业的发展,河北省钢铁产品出口量迅速增长,但与此同时,贸易摩擦也相伴而生,并显现出日趋激烈的态势。尤其在金融危机爆发后,全球钢铁市场竞争进入白热化状态,对华贸易摩擦密集爆发,反倾销、反补贴、保障措施、特保措施等贸易救济调查层出不穷,严重影响了河北省钢铁企业的出口贸易效益。如何应对贸易摩擦,已成为河北省各钢铁企业及整个钢铁产业急需解决的重大问题之一。本文以商贸有限公司为例分析其产品贸易现状及存在的问题,然后提出对应的策略。 关键词:钢铁企业;发展现状;资源整合 ABSTRACT Iron and steel industry is the basic industry of national economy, and it plays an important role in the economic development of a country. In recent years, with the development of iron and steel industry, the export volume of Hebei iron and steel products is increasing rapidly, but at the same time, the trade friction is also accompanied by a growing trend, and the trend of trade friction is growing. Especially in the financial crisis, the global steel market competition into the white hot state, China trade friction, anti-dumping, countervailing, safeguard measures, special safeguard measures and other trade remedy investigations are emerging, which seriously affected the export trade of Hebei iron and steel enterprises. How to deal with the trade friction, has become one of the major issues in Hebei Province, the iron and steel enterprises and the entire iron and steel industry is an urgent need to solve. In this paper, we analyze the current situation and existing problems of the products, and then put forward the corresponding strategies. Key words: Iron and steel enterprise; development status; resource integration 目录 一、绪论 4 (一)选题背景及研究意义 4 (二)研究内容 4 二、国际钢铁产业概况 4 (一)钢铁产业的重要地位 4 (二)世界钢铁产业的历史进程 5 三、河北省钢铁产品贸易现状 6 (一)当前钢材出口贸易的特点 6 (二)钢铁产品贸易的国际市场环境 7 四、河北省钢铁技术创新运行机制现状 7 五、河北省钢铁产业技术创新机制存在的问题及原因 8 (一)技术创新能力不强 8 (二)技术创新投入不足 9 六、加强河北省钢铁产业技术创新机制建设的措施与建议 10 (一)加强自主创新战略 10 (二)加快产品升级和差异化战略 10 (三)加快产学研用结合的技术创新体系建设 10 (四)推动技术创新战略联盟 11 (五)加大科研投入力度 11 (六)政府政策支持 11 (七)加强技术创新人才培养 12 参考文献 13 一、绪论 (一)选题背景及研究意义 目前河北省钢铁贸易行业的竞争越来越激烈,现在有20万家钢铁贸易企业,其中有95%以上的是中小型民营企业,完成着全国60%的钢材销售,在各地经济社会发展中起着举足轻重的作用。但是钢贸行业已经由暴利时代步入微利甚至“负利时代”,一方面在供大于求的市场环境下,原材料价格高涨而钢铁价格难以转嫁上涨的成本导致行业利润下滑;另一方面,目前用量最大


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