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摘 要 随着信息领域各种技术的发展,我们在数据采集方面的技术也取得了很大的进步,采集数据的信息化是目前社会的主要发展方向。各种领域都用到了数据采集,比如石油勘探、地震数据采集领域。随着工农业生产对温湿度的要求越来越高,准确测量温度变得非常重要。 本课题提出一种基于单片机的无线多点温度采集电路设计,该方案是利用单片机控制DS18B20温度传感器采集温度,温度采集成功后由nRF24L01无线通信模块进行数据的无线传输,在接收板上也有一块无线通信模块与它配对。数据成功接收后由单片机去控制LCD1602液晶实时显示温度。本系统还设定了一个温度报警,当温度超过这个界限就由蜂鸣器发出警报,当温度下降至报警温度以下时,警报自动停止。本系统做的是多点温度采集,包括两块无线发送模块和一块无线接收模块,采集到的温度并排显示在同一个LCD1602上。用到的主要器件是AT89S52单片机、数字温度传感器DS18B20和无线芯片nRF24L01,测量结果用LCD1602液晶显示。 关键词:单片机;多点温度采集;无线通信模块;温度报警。 Abstract Along with the development of the technology of information field, we had also made a lot of progress in data collection technology, the data gathering information is the main development direction of the society. Various fields also use the data collection, such as petroleum exploration, seismic data acquisition field. Along with increasingly demanding of the industry and agriculture production to the temperature and humidity,more accurate measurement temperature becomes very important. This topic is wireless acquisition multipoint temperature acquisition and transmission circuit design base on SCM, the project is using SCM to control the temperature sensor DS18B20 to collection temperature, use nRF24L01wireless communication module to transmit if receive temperature successfully, there is a wireless communication module pairing with it in dashreceiver.Useing SCM to control LCD1602 liquid crystal to display temperatureafter receiving temperature successfully.The system also set a warning temperature, when the temperature over the line ,the buzzer will call, when the temperature belowthe alarm temperature below, alarm will stop. This system realizes multipoint temperature gathering,including twowireless transmission module and one wireless receiving module.The temperature will show on the same LCD1602.This system抯 main components is AT89S52 SCM and digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and wireless chip nRF24L01, the measured result is displaying by LCD1602


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