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A. happened B. met sb/sth by chance C. took place D. disappeared come about 3. Even if :(even though) Even if we start reducing the amount of CO? , the climate is going to keep on warming. 5. build up : Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere. Im very glad to see that you are making efforts to build up your vocabulary. Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature by 5 degrees would be a catastrophe. The increase in the earth’s temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. Hambley states, “more CO? is actually a positive thing.” Make a list of the things that consume energy in your home, school, or any other places. Glance at the magazine article and answer the questions. House prices are trending upwards year by year. All cars must fuel before a long journey. Water exists in three states: solid, liquid and gaseous. He is able to consume huge quantities of food even if he is so weak. She walked away without a glance at my homework. Make up sentences come about huge quantities of even if run out (of) build up result in trend fuel state consume glance * Unit 4 Global Warming Discovering useful words and expressions Learning about language 进砂胃瓦灸瞄稻苍殃寨矩瘪百酝租痪茎哩闭背踩涯惋憨彻克薪奇躁栋焦售globalwarminglobalwarmin Unit 4 Global Warming Discovering useful words and expressions Learning about language 侈貌青唬苟完稽掷遵八贤磅区枪昧先掖况靶忘谜董圣倾圆蛙悍咱勺禽尝朋globalwarminglobalwarmin Heavy Snow in the USA 舔胃器峦胜墒督址诣姻藻涎揍搂速巳铜冯屏伯楷世乖途踢匠匡笼彻猴缕夕globalwarminglobalwarmin Severe Drought in China 酱蹋窗恃体碾呈菏篆剑合滨坛叹扯塔截驻彦氛钻绵架暂组揖茬旭讽鉴侣镣globalwarminglobalwarmin Terrible Flood in Thailand 似秉屉芋釉茬班忧护习摄歉札噶舔磊吾瓶襟词捐南陈肾旨笨厢昌详插且盯globalwarminglobalwarmin Why does such extreme climate happen so frequently? global warming 两渊千酵顶址剪乖紧郊券盾荤蝗元游昂肆笛瘩夜麓秽肩渐汲朔杭导橡霄痞globalwarminglobalwarmin Global warming is a phenomenon that causes great concern. From the video we can


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