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Chapter 5 translation of numerals 5.1 pluralities of numerals 5.2 multiples 5.3 fraction and percentage 5.4 idioms 5.1 pluralities of numerals It took millions of years for fossil fuels to be formed from plants. 从植物变成矿物燃料,要经过数百万年。 Although there exist only about 90 elements in nature, they combine to form thousands of different substances in the world. 虽然自然界中大约有90种元素,但它们结合起来可以构成世界上成千上万种不同的物质。 Thousands and tens of thousands of machine parts are made up of simple geometric figures such as squares, circles, triangles, and similar shapes. 千千万万的机械零件都是由简单的几何形状组成的,例如,方形,圆形,三角形以及其他类的形状。 Aeronautical engineers who take part in the design of such new-type airplanes and space rockets are by hundreds. 参加设计这些新型飞机和宇宙火箭的航空工程师数以万计。 5.2 multiples 1 表示倍数: n times ( twice/ double/ duple, 3 times / triple / treble 4 times / quadruple , n-fold, by a factor of n ) 2 常见句型: N times +the (物主代词)+名词 N times +that + 后置定语( of ) N times +as +形容词副词原级+as+名词 N times+形容词/副词比较级+than+名词/代词 N times +what clause 表示增减的词+by n times/ n-fold/ by a factor of n As much as / again as… as 5.2.1 数量增加的译法 This machine is five times heavier than that one. 这台机器比那台重四倍。 The drain voltage has been increased by a factor of four. 漏电压增加了三倍。 The presence of the iron in the coil has increased the magnetic induction to over 5500 times what it would be if the coil were vacuum. 由于线圈中存在铁芯而使磁感应增强到线圈处于真空之中的5500多倍 This substance reacts three times as fast as the other one. 这一物质的反应速度比另一物质快两倍。 When one’s face is 9 in. from the mirror, the image one sees is magnified twice. 当人脸离镜子九英寸时,(人)看到的成像放大了一倍。 Multiband transmission permits a reduction in error probability in exchange for at least a twofold increase in bandwidth and carrier power. 宽频带传输能降低误差概率,但其代价是宽带和载波功率至少增加一倍。 The peak power is as great again as the carrier power. 峰值功率比载波功率大一倍。 The sun is 330,000 times more massive and a million times more bulky than the earth. 太阳的质量比地球大330,000倍,体积比地球大一百万倍。 5.2.2 数量减少的译法 英语中用于减少时的基本意义是“除”,结果相当于分数 减少 n times : 减少到1/n, 是原来的1/n ,减少了


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