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PET习语,短语,固定搭配答案 be able to do / can 能够 be unable to do 不能够 go abroad 出国 internet access 互联网接用,互联网使用 according to 根据 achieve success 取得成功 take action 采取行动 actually/ in fact 事实上 in addition/ additionally 另外,额外的 at the cost of 以。。。样的价钱 adventure / take a risk 冒险 can/can’t afford to do (动词原形) 能负担的起,/ 不能负担的起 agree with sb. 同意某人 go ahead 直走,继续 aim at 目标,瞄准 alarm clock 闹钟 music album 音乐专辑 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 stay alone 独自呆着 feel lonely 感觉孤独 even though/ even if/ in spite of / despite 尽管,即使 large amount of / a number of 大量的,很多 get annoyed 恼怒的 be anxious about 对。。。担忧 apart from/ except for 除了 apply for 申请 argue about sth. 争论。。。 arrange for 安排。。。 arrive at/in someplace 到达某地 get to somplace 到达某地 reach someplace 到达某地 as well 也 as well as 也 be ashamed of 对。。。感到羞愧 no longer 不再 at first 起初 at last/ finally 最后 at least 至少 at once 马上,立即 at present 目前 at the same time 同时 not all 根本不 make an attempt/ try 尝试 wake up 醒来 keep balance 保持平衡 be based on 以。。。为基础 believe in 相信 belong to 属于 benefit from 从。。。中受益 pay bill 付账 rubbish bin 垃圾桶 a bit of 一点。。。 blame for 责备 on board 在(飞机,轮船,火车)上 boarding pass 登机牌 make a reservation 预定 be born in + 年 出生在。。。年 both...of... 两者都。。。 all of ... 三者或以上都。。。 at the bottom 在底部 break down 出故障 break up 解散 bring up 养育 grow up 成长 by accident 偶然地 by hand 手工 by mistake 错误地, by name 按照姓氏 call for sb./ visit 拜访 calm down 静下来 carry out 执行 identity card (ID card ) 身份证 take care of/ look after 照顾,照看 carry on/ keep on doing sth. 继续做。。。 have chance to do sth. 有机会做。。。 have


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