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清教主义Puritanism: On the one hand, Puritanism is a highly strict religious doctrine. The Puritans were determined to find a place on the new continent where they could worship God in the way they thought true Christians should. On the other hand, Puritanism also has its practical aspect. The Puritans had to work hard in order to make a living and be ready for any misfortunes and tragic failures that might lie in wait for them. 先验主义Transcendentalism:It was a form of idealism, or philosophical Romanticism. It was a way of knowing the belief that man can intuitively transcend the limits of the senses and of logic and receive directly higher truth and greater knowledge denied to other methods of knowing ---was another form of a classic American value-individualism. In fact, it was also another form of the American Dream, the ability to succeed by one’s own efforts . It was an ethical guide to life for a young nation. Imagists 意象派: They are a group of English and American poets whose poetic tenets are: use of the common and “exact” word; creation of new rhythms; absolute freedom in choice of subject; presentation of sharp image; hard and clear poetry, never blurred or indefinite; concentration and suggestiveness. Among the imagist poets are Doolittle, Richard Aldington, Edith Sitwell, Pond Realism 现实主义 Realism aimed at the interpretation of the actualities of any aspect of life, free from subjective prejudice, idealism , or romantic color. Instead of thinking about the mysteries of life and death and heroic individualism,people’s attention was now directed to the interesting features of everyday existence, to what was brutal or sordid , and to the open portrayal of class struggle. Robert Frost: . He won the Pulitzer Prize four times 获奖理由:begins in delight,and ends in wisdom. 主要作品:Mountain Interval(山间) New Hampshire West-Running Brook(小溪), A Further Range (山外边) A Witness Tree A Steeple Bush (尖塔丛), In the Clearing (林间空地). 雪夜停马在林边Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Ev



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