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英语听说课教学案例  一、教学内容分析:   本节课的话题是围绕“提建议,同意与不同意”而展开的。通过对本节课的学习,让学生能熟练地用英语向别人发出邀请或建议,并给出同意或不同意的应答。  二、教学目标分析   (一)语言知识目标: 掌握提建议,同意和不同意回答的基本句型: Ask for suggestions: ??What shall we do? Where shall we go? Making suggestions: ??Couldn’t we go somewhere outside Edinburgh? What/How about going up into the Pentland Hills? We could do a bit of climbing. Why don’t we go for a long walk? Let’s find out about the coach times. Agreeing:?????????????????That’s not a bad idea! That’s a good idea! Disagreeing:?????????I don’t know. I’m not very keen on climbing. Walking’s not really my thing, either. No way!   (二)语言技能目标:   在听力过程中培养学生进行预测,获取信息进行问答,做笔记记录信息对信息进行处理的能力。同时,在说的方面培养学生良好的语感,正确的语音语调,进行问答,复述的语言表达能力。   (三)情感目标:   积极参加有意义的户外集体活动对青少年的身心发展很有帮助。在活动中发展友谊,互相帮助。  三、教学重点、难点分析  ??? 教学重点:  ?? 1.?在听力过程中培养学生进行预测,获取信息进行问答,做笔记记录信息对信息进行处理的能力。  ???2.?在说的方面培养学生良好的语感,正确的语音语调,进行问答,复述的语言表达能力。   ??教学难点:   1.?在教学过程中如何更好地创设场景,让学生有话可说,乐于表达。   2.?在听的过程中如何指导学生更快地记录更多的有效信息。  四、教学过程设计 Step 1:Pre-listening Good morning, everyone! Tomorrow is Saturday. What shall we do and where shall we go? Where are you going? Let’s have a discussion.  Step 2:While-listening Now class,we are going to listen to a text. Listen carefully and put the following sentences into the right order. (??)A. What about going up into the Pentland Hills? (??)B. Don’t forget we’ve got the dress rehearsal on Sunday evening. (??)C. Why don’t we go for a long walk? (??)D. What shall we do on Sunday? (??)E.I’m not very keen on climbing.  设计意图: 本节课中是提建议,这一练习可以降低学生对听力的焦虑程度,同时这也是任务型听力活动设计的一个重要环节。 (二)Listen a second time and fill in blanks??according to the listening dialogue. Zoe:??What shall we do on Sunday,?????Jack? Jack:??I could________?. Couldn’t we go somewhere outside________?? Zoe:??Like where? Don’t forget we’ve got the dress rehearsal on Sunday evening. They can’t do without us. We’ve both_______??. Jack:??I know, but the rehearsal’s not until six. What about going up into the Pentland Hills? I think they ______??there from the city???


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