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Look at the following simple words, we can make another expressions using make + a + noun instead of them. to mistake = make a mistake to suggest to decide to plan to contribute to speak to be noisy to change to describe to investigate make a suggestion make a plan make a make a change make a make a make a noise make a speech decision contribution description make an investigation 4 In English verbs like make are very active and useful, you have also learned many phrases. Can you list some and make sentences with them? make one’s way to make up one’s mind make the bed make money make sure make room for make friends make a face 做鬼脸 一路前进, 向前 下决心; 决定 交朋友 铺床 挣钱 确信 为……腾出空位 make an appointment make a gossip make an apology make a contest make a choice 补充词组 约会 闲言碎语 道歉 选择 竞争 used as These __________ (want) people are from Hong Kong. wanted a broken heart a lost dog an organized trip 一颗破碎的心 丧家之犬 有组织的旅行 a heart which is broken a dog which is lost a trip which is organized Complete the table with phrases that have the same meaning. terrified people people who are terrified of… reserved seats seats which are reserved polluted water water that is polluted a crowded room a room that is crowded with... a pleased winner a winner who is pleased with.. 2. Past Participle used as predicative The shop is _________(close). closed Cleaning women in big cities usually get ______ (pay) by the hour. paid astonished children children who look astonished a broken vase a vase that is broken a closed door a door that is closed a trapped animal an animal that is trapped in the tired audience the audience who feel tired of Complete the table with phrases that have the same meaning. 1.语态上 现在分词:表示主动的动作 过去分词:表示已经被动的动作 I heard someone opening the door. I heard the door opened. 2.时间上 现在分词: 表示正在进行的动作 过去分词:表示完成的意思 the rising sun the risen sun the falling leaves the fallen leaves boiling water boiled water At the sight of the ________ scene, all the people present


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