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Wild plants Wild animals Let’s enjoy a wonderful movie “The Lion King” (Please try to find out what animals you can see in the movie) Why are these animals dying out? Discussion Why is it important to protect the animals? What do you think we should do to protect wild animals? Homework Collect as much information about endangered wildlife as possible. Preview the next part—Reading. We call it _________. Milu deer Features of the Milu deer Appearance of the Milu deer like other deer but with large horns live together, eat grass and small tree branches; like cool, wet weather Information for research into Milu deer Scanning Reasons for disappearance How they returned The life of the Milu deer in Britain lived happily and number increased in 1985 the government of China wanted to reintroduce, the Duke of Bedford was happy to help over-hunted and killed Value of the cooperation Present situation great increase in number and several Milu deer centres have been set up a good example of friendship and understanding between China and Britain Why is it important to make sure that animals do not die out? All animals and plants have specific functions and are necessary if we want healthy ecosystems. We will not be able to survive if animals and plants die out. 2. We need the animals and plants for medical and commercial purposes. 3. We also have a moral responsibility to make sure that we do not cause other animals to die out because of our dominance on the planet. What can we do to help endangered animals? We can help endangered animals by protecting their habitats, creating new habitats. Protecting the environment. Controlling export and import of animals and plants. Learn more about animals and the environment. “美女与骆驼” 2003年8月份包头银河广场, 游人与鹿亲密接触的情景。 Human race and animals stay in peace with each other! 受伤的秃鹫受到精心喂养的场景 ?嘿!零距离接触才发现, 原来骆驼也长着“兔唇”?! 城市公园里的梅花鹿 camel spotted deer vulture To protect wildlife is to protect ourse


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