
05第五章 妊 娠(Pregnancy)教学.ppt

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* pregnancy * Progesterone Test 早孕因子(EPF)检测法 早孕因子是妊娠早期母体血清中最早出现的一种免疫抑制因子。交配受精后6~48h即能在血清中测出。目前普遍采用玫瑰花环抑制试验来测定EPF的含量。 * pregnancy * * pregnancy * canine-pregnancy-test The Witness Relaxin kit is intended to determine pregnancy in the bitch, as well as to distinguish between dog false pregnacy (pseudopregnancy) and gestation. The kit measures relaxin levels in plasma and serum samples. The presence of significant amounts of this hormone is a reliable indicator of pregancy. Relaxin can be detected in biological samples soon after implantation of the fertilized egg, which occurs about 22-27 days after mating (26-31 days post-LH surge). * pregnancy * *hCG Pregnancy Tests ? * pregnancy * 特殊诊断法 超声诊断法 超声波诊断是利用超声波的物理特性和动物体组织结构声学特点密切结合的一种物理学检验方法。 目前用于妊娠诊断的超声波妊娠诊断仪有A型、D型(多普勒)B型超声诊断仪。 A型和D型都是通过发射一束超声波进行诊断,探查的范围较窄呈线状。A型超声探查子宫中的液体,反应迅速,早期,但无特异性。D型超声通过探查子宫动脉血流和胎儿的各种活动来诊断妊娠,妊娠初期宫血音也无特异性,胎儿的各种活动虽有明显特异性,但出现的都较晚些。因此,临床上常两者配合使用,先用A型仪确定子宫位置,然后用D型仪在其中找胎血音或胎心音。 B型超声是同时发射多束超声波,在一个面上进行扫描,显示是被查部位的一个切面断层图象。诊断结果远较A型和D型清晰、准确,而且可以复制。 * pregnancy * * pregnancy * * pregnancy * * pregnancy * 39 day twins ultrasound image of a 28-day gilt pregnancy 28-day-old pig embryos * pregnancy * X光诊断法 the fetal skeletons are actually visible. A radiologist could probably see them in this picture How many pups do you see in Margaritas abdomen * pregnancy * 思考题 妊娠识别、胎膜、胎盘、胚泡附植? 猪、牛、羊妊娠识别信号? 妊娠期长度与预产期的推算。 胚泡附植类型与时期? 胎膜、胎盘的类型? 胎盘的功能? 胚胎的营养来源? 妊娠诊断的方法? 妊娠期母体的变化? * pregnancy * What type of implantation occurs in the cow and ewe? 牛、羊的附植类型? When does implantation occur in the sow, mare, ewe, cow and woman? 猪、马、牛、羊何时发生附植? Describe the 4 shape classifications of placentas. Is more tissue lost at parturition in a deciduate or indeciduate placenta? How many fetuses must be present in each uterine horn of a pig to maintain pregnancy and why? What is the major function of the amnion, yolk sac, allantois and chorion in the mammalian placenta? * pregnancy * 形体变化: 水肿:怀孕末期子宫压迫腹下及后肢静脉发生由乳房到脐部的


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