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BACK TO SCHOOL Listening Unit 8 sales Learning goals Practice listening related to sales and marketing Acknowledge the principles in sales promotion and marketing planning Acknowledge methods and policies of doing business and selling products Listening Pre-Listening 1. 运营理念:勇于创新、稳扎稳打。 2. 运营理念:不满足于现状。 3. 运营理念:技术是个纸老虎。 4. 运营理念:你很重要。 5. 运营理念:做领跑者。 Task 1 Task 2 principles; at less cost, marketing, sales potential, poor marketing, expenses, penny wise and pound foolish, take risks, afford, deliver, responsible attitude, efficiency, expand Listening Core Listening Task 1 come up with, define, saleable, review, position, perceived, fulfills, publicity, contact Task 2 1. C 2. D 3. A Task 3 1. C 2. B 3. C Task 4 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T Practical Listening division, manufacturer, dishwashers, electronics, innovation, purchase, showrooms, addition, gallery, strategic, distribution, core Listening The manager praised the boy for his quick thinking. Task 1 Fun Listening Task 2 realistic, seldom, differences, complained, variety, adapted, traditional, original, served, growth ? * * ? * ? * ? * ? * BACK TO SCHOOL


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