选修七Module2 Reading课件.ppt

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* Module2 Highlights of My Senior Year Highlights of Joanna Sykes’ Senior Year 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. working as an arts editor for the school newspaper (para.3) working as a peer mediator (para.4) going on a short school skiing trip to the Rocky Mountains (para.5) getting good grades on final exams and receiving senior prize… (para.6) driving a car to school (para.6) being elected to the student council (para.6) the senior prom (para.7-8) What is a prom? A prom is a formal dance at the end of a school year. A senior prom is usually held in the month May, which means a lot to seniors. What are they dressed in? Girl —— long dresses Boy —— dinner jackets or tuxedos (无尾礼服) What else could be done to attract more attention? have hair specially done make up rent a nice car Joanna’s feelings about highlights There’s so much to remember. I did enjoy it whenever… It’s a good thing that It’s a great pity that… I can’t tell you how good this made me feel. I shall never forget (doing)… excited, pleased, brilliant, wonderful, perfect, unexpected, unforgettable, a real success, a big surprise May you have a colorful and successful senior year! You’re lucky because you’re young and because you’re senior high school students! Love school! Love our life! *



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