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Unit 3 Inventors and inventions Language points (重点词汇) 编号: 编写者: 审核者:焦丽勇 : 1、2、. 学习任务:重点(旨在提供词汇综合运用所需材料) 1 双语释义 v.区分;辨别;分清(recognize the difference between);成为……的特征(be characteristic);使有别于 (1)句型转换 ①The boy could not distinguish cotton from wool. →The boy could not cotton _____ wool. ②She distinguished herself by her coolness and bravery. →She______ ______________ _____ her coolness and bravery. 归纳拓展 distinguish between...and...=distinguish...from... 显扬自己;使自己扬名 adj.杰出的;著名的be distinguished frombe distinguished for________________be distinguished by_________________ 2 双语释义 adj.方便的;便利的;就近的(easy or quick to do or get to a place) (1)用适当的介、副词填空 ①I keep my reference books near my desk convenience. ②Will it be convenient _____ you to start work tomorrow? ③Please send me an answer _____your convenience. 归纳拓展______________ n.方便;便利;便利的事物?或设施?sth.be convenient for sb./sth. ________________________ ___________________________ ?某人?方便做某事for convenience _______________ at one’s convenience__________________ for the convenience of sb._______________ 易错提示 convenient作表语时,不能用表示人的名词或代词作主语,多用于“It is convenient for sb.to do sth.”及“sth.be convenient for sb.”结构中。 3 双语释义 给……打电话(ring up);征召入伍(draft);使回忆起(recall) (1)同义词语替换 I’ll call_the_manager_up tomorrow.(2)用适当的介、副词填空 ①The smell of the sea called memories of her childhood. ②The game was called _____ because of bad weather. ③Call _____the numbers so that we can hear them at the back. ④Why don’t you call _____ my sister when you’re in Brighton? ⑤I’ll call _____ you at 8 o’clock and we’ll go there together. ⑥Cars with serious faults have been called _____ by the manufacturers. 归纳拓展 __________取消,召回;叫来;请来call out________________ call for____________ __________拜访;要求;号召4 双语释义 (设法)做完(manage to do or complete);通过(be officially accepted);接通电话(contact sb. by telephone);度过(时间);用完,耗尽(use up);使某人理解(make sb. understand) (1)写出下列句子中get through的汉语意思 ①I tried to ring my girlfriend but I couldn’t get through.②We got through a fortune while we w


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