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Hell Fer Sartain Other Stories Hell Fer Sartain Other Stories By John Fox, Jr. 1 Hell Fer Sartain Other Stories ON HELL-FER-SARTAIN CREEK Thar was a dancin-party Christmas night on ``Hell fer Sartain. Jes tun up the fust crick beyond the bend thar, an climb onto a stump, an holler about ONCE, an youll see how the name come. Stranger, hits HELL fer sartain! Well, Rich Harp was thar from the head- waters, an Harve Hall toted Nance Osborn clean across the Cumberlan. Fust one ud swing Nance, an then tother. Then theyd take a pull outn the same bottle o moonshine, an--fust one an then tother--theyd swing her agin. An Abe Shivers a-settin thar by the fire a-bitin his thumbs! Well, things was sorter whoopin, when somebody ups an tells Harve that Rich had said somepn agin Nance an him, an somebody ups an tells Rich that Harve had said somepn agin Nance an HIM. In a minute, stranger, hit was like two wild-cats in thar. Folks got em parted, though, but thar was no more a-swingin of Nance that night. Harve toted her back over the Cumberlan, an Richs kinsfolks tuk him up ``Hell fer Sartain; but Rich got loose, an lit out lickety-split fer Nance Osborns. He knowed Harve lived too fer over Black Mountain to go home that night, an he rid right across the river an up to Nances house, an hollered fer Harve. Harve poked his head outn the loft--he knowed whut was wanted--an Harve says, ``Uh, come in hyeh an go to bed. Hits too late! An Rich seed him a-gapin like a chicken,


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