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新一代双向互动电力线通信技术的应用层协议研究 刘金权1 李如意1 黄明山1 刘雯静2 郭静波2 (1.河南许继仪表有限公司,河南 许昌 461000 2.清华大学 电机系,北京 100084) 摘要:新一代双向互动电力线通信(PLC)技术亟需研究配套的应用层协议来实现电力系统的智能化服务。本文首先结合应用需求和PLC底层技术特征,设计了实现用户侧需求响应的PLC应用层协议架构,并定义了应用层协议数据单元格式。接着对于应用层最为核心的服务机制,本文面向用户侧需求响应服务明确了应用层的服务分类,同时提出一种基于动态优先级的综合服务响应机制。构建基于实际PLC网络的跨层仿真平台,在该平台上验证了所述新一代双向互动PLC应用层较传统应用层在传输速率、丢包率和传输延时三方面存在的性能优越性。 关键词: 用户侧需求响应;PLC应用层协议;应用层服务分类;动态优先级;跨层仿真平台 中图分类号:TM248+.9 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-1390(2016)00-0000-00 Research on the protocol of the application layer for the new generation of the interactive power line communications Liu Jinquan1, Li Ruyi1, Huang Mingshan1, Liu Wenjin2, Guo Jinbo2 (1. He’nan Xuji Meter Co. Ltd., Xuchang 461000, He’nan, China. 2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China) Abstract: The application layer protocol for the new generation of interactive power line communications (PLC) needs urgently to be studied to support the intelligent services of the power system. In this paper, the architecture of PLC application layer and the application protocol data unit (APDU) are designed based on the users’ demand respond (DMR) and PLC technology features. The application layer services are then classified and an integrated service response mechanism adopting the dynamic priority is also put forward which is the core of the application layer. The superiority of the proposed application layer is verified on the platform of the cross-layer simulation with a practical PLC network in terms of transmission rate, package loss rate and transmission delay. Keywords: users’demand response, protocol of the PLC application layer, classification of the application services, dynamic priority, platform of the cross-layer simulation 引 言 自动需求响应是我国智能电网建设和用、发电体制市场化、经济化、绿色化的重要内容[1-2],作为自动需求响应中覆盖范围最广、应用比例最大的用户侧需求响应,其服务质量将直接影响自动需求响应的整体实施有效性。用户侧需求响应的实施需要依靠新一代双向互动的电力线通信(power line communication, PLC)技术,尤其近年来随着双向互动PLC底层技术的发展,PLC的传输可靠性、高效性得到了进一步保障[3-4],加之PLC系统部署的经


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