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昨天琳达和她妈妈在一家餐馆吃午饭,她们点了一份比萨和两杯果汁 1、Who had lunch in a Western restaurant yesterday? 2、What did they have for lunch? 保罗的生日即将来到,他妈妈打算给他买个足球 1、Whose birthday is coming? 2、What will his mother buy for him? 苏珊在香港迪斯尼乐园度假,她玩了许多游戏 1、Where did Susan spend her holiday? 2、What did she do there? 你们学校将于5月15日举行运动会,你将参加跑步比赛 1、When will your school sports meeting be held? 2、Which sport will you take part in? 李明在操场跑步,他看见很多男生在打篮球 1、What is Li Ming doing? 2、What are the boys doing? 你们学校将组织去公园春游,你准备了面包、牛奶和巧克力。 1、Which place will your school go to a trip? 2、What are you going to take? 苏明在客厅听CD,他爸爸在修自行车。 1、Where is Su Ming? 2、What’s Su Ming’s father doing? 格林夫人的小狗丢了,她打电话向警察求助。 1、What happened to Mrs Green? 2、Who did she ask for help? 西蒙被推选为学生会新任主席,因为他乐于助人并且有创造力。 1、What was Simon chosen to be? 2、Why was he recommended? 上周日,汤姆和父母去了动物园,他看见了老虎和狮子。 1、When did Tom and his parents go to the zoo? 2、What did he see there? 怀特夫人的车撞上了树上,她受伤被送进了医院。 1、What happened to Mrs White’s car? 2、What was wrong with her? 植树节那天天气晴朗,九年级二班去公园种了五十棵树。 1、What was the weather like on Tree Planting Day? 2、How many trees were planted? 未来,机器人将承担家务事,人们会有更多的时间旅游。 1、Who will do the housework at home in the future? 2、What will people have more time to do? 史密斯夫妇坐火车去伦敦,并在那里停留了三天。 1、How did Mr and Mrs Smith go to London? 2、How long did they stay there? 三天前发生了一起绑架案,嫌疑人是一个电脑程序员。 1、What happened three days ago? 2、Who was the suspect? 今早米莉上学迟到了,因为路上的交通很拥挤。 1、Who was late for school this morning? 2、Why was she late for school? 格林夫妇上个月来到中国,他们非常喜欢京剧。 1、When did Mr and Mrs Green come to China? 2、What do they like about China? 上周六,海伦和朋友们举办了一场生日聚会,她们唱歌、吃蛋糕玩得很开心。 1、What did Helen and her friends have last Saturday? 2、What did they do at the party? 3月11日日本发生了地震,很多房屋倒塌。 1、When did the earthquake happen in Japan? 2、What happened in the earthquake? 今早艾米丽丢了自行车钥匙,于是她爸爸开车送她上学。 1、What did Emily lose this morning? 2、How did she go to school? 例二 要点: 1.上星期六,我们班举办了一场时装表演;我们都穿着20世纪不同时代的服装; 2.海伦看上去色彩鲜艳;她的一身衣服来



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