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* 2 * Tim Zou Associate Professor Head of Access Services University Libraries University of Arkansas at Fayetteville tzou@ ? 邹际平 副教授 借阅流通服务部主任 阿肯色大学图书馆 阿肯色大学费耶特校区 tzou@ ? 公立图书馆的定义 Definition of a Public Library 图书馆依靠公共基金运营 A library that is operated with public funds 图书馆员工属于政府雇员 The employees of the library are considered government employees 图书馆的建筑地产或设备是由政府提供 的 A library receives significant assistance from the government by provision of property or equipment 监管图书馆的董事会是由选民或代表选民的政府推选的 A library is governed by an independent board elected by the voter or appointed by elected officials. 美国的图书馆是为社区的居民而设立并提供服务。如同任何其它社会公益服务事业一样,公立图书馆的管理和运作也必须在一套相应的法律条框之内。 担任公立图书馆领导的掌门人必须谙熟与图书馆有关的法律条框。 Libraries in the U.S. exist to serve people and the community. Public libraries are governed by a legal framework as broad as any that covers other endeavors in our society. Administrators who are chosen to administer publically funded libraries must understand the law as it applies to them. Overview 依照这套法律条框图书馆或者图书馆系统制定出相关的服务管理制度章程,以便有效地(1)维护读者在自由阅读,个人信息隐私,自由选择使用信息方面的权益;(2)遵守关于在信息文献版权,知识产权,互联网使用及管理,公民权益,及劳工制度方面的法规。 The legal framework provides guidelines for a library or a library system to develop local policies for the purpose of (1) protecting intellectual freedom, patron privacy, and their right to open and free access to information, and (2) being in compliance with laws governing copyright, intellectual property, Internet and cyberspace, civil rights, and employment. 法律来源  Source of Law 公民权利宣言 (The Bills of Rights) 支撑与图书馆有关的法律框架的核心理念是宪法修订案第一条及全美图书馆协会籍此制定的图书馆权利宣言。At the heart of the legal framework, however, are the spirit of The First Amendment and its core values delineated by the American Library Association (ALA) in the interpretations of the First Amendment in Library Bill of Rights. “国会不应制定任何法规。。。来限制公民言论或出版自由,用和平方式结社集会,呼吁政府关切人民的不满和投诉。” “Congress shall make no law …abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to


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