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口译技巧之数字口译 Outline 导入练习 数字口译概述 分数和小数的口译 模糊数字的口译 特殊倍数的口译 趋势数字的口译 实战训练 Reading and interpreting numbers properly Read the following numbers in English 123 一万 100000000Interpreting numbers 1 亿? ? 100 mn, 0.1 bn 150 billion? ? 15亿? E.g. This amount would be enough to service its $ 10 billion debt. AmE or BrE? 十亿 一百亿 一千亿 一万亿(avoid using 兆) Interpreting Chinese ordinal numbers Challenges : cultural differences ? cognitive loads E.g.1 这是您第几次访问中国? E.g.2 你们队得了第几名? E.g.3 令公子排行第几? In Chinese we often hear or talk about ordinal numbers. If we interpret in English, we have to change the ways of asking/inquiry. 这是您第几次来中国? Is this your first visit to China? This isn’t your first visit to China, is it? How many times have you been in China? 你们队得了第几名? Did your team win the championship? Did you get/win the first place in the competition? 这孩子是(你的)老几呀? Is this your oldest/youngest child/son/daughter? ??数字口译 数字翻译是口译中的一大难关,数字之所以难译,其中一个主要原因在于英语和汉语对于四位数以上的数字的表达,有不同的段位概念和分段方法。英语数字以每三位数为一段位,而汉语则以每四位数为一段位。 数字的翻译 Common mistakes in interpreting numbers ??multi-digital numbers ??times ??approximate numbers Pronouncing numbers 14% ? 40% ? Tip: 13%-19% common mispronunciations Hearing numbers S/SE Asians 14% = 40% ? U.S. 1000= one thousand? Ten hundred? 2. 数字的翻译 一万:10 thousand 十万:100 thousand 百万:million 千万:10 million 亿: 100 million 十亿:a billion 数字的翻译 分节号的作用 five thousand 5, thirty-two thousand 32, five million 5,, twenty five million 25,, one billion 1,,, 用横向方式表现为: billion million thousand 万 千 百 十 千 百 十 亿,亿 万 万,万 万 千,百 十 个 2, 8 6 3, 5 8 9, 4 0 0 汉语读作: 二十八亿六千三百五十八万九千四百 英语读作: two billion, eight hundred sixty-three million, five hundred eighty-nine thousand and four hundred 实践是训练数字互译的根本途径。口译教学要集中一段时间专门进行数字口译训练。译员只有经过大量反复的数字口译实践才能掌握英汉数字互译的不同特点和规律,达到数字互译脱口而出,快速、准确的程度。 Read the following figures in Chine


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