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姚明呼吁保护野生动物 LOOK AT BAOBAO Alway feel I am the King at this time They live in their own home Have their own life BUT I dont know why BUT I See!!! They are in tears What should government do??? 1.政府有关部门举行形式多样的宣传活动 The government should hold various activities of propaganda 2.邀请明星或者成功人士参与宣传,发挥其社会影响力 Invite stars or successful men participate,exert it’s social influence 3.发放野生动植物保护的宣传单 Hand out the leaflet 加强野生动植物多样性保护的宣传力度 enhance the propaganda of the biodiversity wildlife protection No sale no killing They are an indispensable part of ecosystem and natural beauty. 它们(野生动物)是生态系统和自然美中不可缺少的一部分。 Wildlife protection is to protect human himself保护野生动物就是保护人类自己 To create wildlife reserves 建立野生动物保护区 This Law is formulated for the purpose of protecting and saving the species of wildlife which are rare or near extinction, protecting, developing and rationally utilizing wildlife resources and maintaining ecological balances. 制定本法的目的的物种保护和拯救珍贵、濒危野生动物,保护、发展和合理利用野生动物资源,维护生态平衡。 Set the wild animal protection laws 制定野生动物保护法 全面检查野生动物经营利用场所,清理整顿非法经营利用行为。尤其是对餐馆饭店、花鸟市场、药用野生动物原材料集散地和其他野生动物及其产品经营较集中的场所,进行一次全面检查,对经营利用非法猎捕或走私的野生动物及其产品的,进行清理整顿,并依法惩处。 Comprehensive inspection of wildlife management and utilization, clean up and rectify the illegal operation of the use of behavior. Especially of hotel restaurants, bird and flower market, wild medicinal animal raw materials distribution and other wild animals and their products business is concentrated place, a comprehensive inspection, on management and utilization of illegal hunting and smuggling of wild animals and their products, clean up and rectify and punish according to law. 加强市场监管 To improve market supervision 切实强化野生动物分布区的野外巡护和看守。要在野生动物分布的山头、地块、湖区,组织力量加强巡护和看守,严厉打击乱捕滥猎野生动物行为,依法制止和惩处非法猎捕野生动物、损毁野生动物栖息地、干扰野生动物生息繁衍活动的行为,并收缴或清除兽夹、兽套等非法猎捕工具。 Effectively strengthen the wild animal distribution area of the field patrol and guard. To in wildlife distribution of the hill, the land, the Lake District


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