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8A*Unit 5-6 基础复习卷 班级:_ _ __ 姓名: 得分: Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子(20’) 1.This cartoon says that Mr Boldheaded always cut down trees and f_________. 2.A bear has long and t________ hair on its body. 3. More and more people care about the i________ of food safety? 4. The hotel always p_________ good service for all kinds of people. 5. The driver’s carelessness l________ to such a terrible car accident yesterday. 6. If you are ill, you’d better take some m__________. 7. Many wolves are dying out because of the l__________ of living areas. 8. Over 30 young people lost their l________ in the stampede in the Bund of Shanghai. 9. What do bears h________ for food in winter? 10.The Chinese government is taking many actions to p all kinds of wild animals. 11.The food s good but tastes terrible. 12. Chinese g_________ and people are trying to help the survivors in Yushu. 13.I like travelling by train,its s and cheap. 14.After you finish the trip to Beijing,write an English r . 15.Protecting f means giving wild animals lots of place to live in. 16. Zhalong Nature Reserve has an a_________ of more than 210,000 hectares. 17.Some s are poisonous so we had better not be close to them. 18.If you often t dogs,they can do many things for you. 19. We must exercise more often to p________ the disease(疾病). 20. There are 45 students in our class, i_________ a Japanese student. Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空(24’) 1. It’s not easy for him _________ (listen) to the teacher carefully in class. 2. She has a ________ (nature) ability to understand the motive(动机) of others. 3. He ________ (not hurt) himself if he ________ (be) careful enough. 4. After reading, they must answer the ________ (follow) questions. 5. It’s time to take _________ (act) to protect wild animals. 6. Keeping birds (give) old people a lot of pleasure. 7. The roast duck seems delicious, but it tastes_________(bad). 8. He looks happy. And he looks _________ (happy)



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