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7AUnits 5-7复习资料 词汇练习 1. On my way to school, I met an old friend of my ____________(阿姨). _________________ (锻炼) more can make our body strong. Your idea ______________(听起来) great! Let’s have a try! Sorry, my ear is not _____________ enough, so I can’t hear you ___________ (好). Yao Ming is one of my favourite basketball ________________(选手). At the weekend, I like go out for dinner with my friends in ________________(饭店). Amy always spends half an hour a day _____________(练习) ____________(打) volleyball. He is interested in ________________(用颜料涂) A _____________ diet is very important for my ______________. (健康) He _______________(对待)me as a_______________(特别的) friend. The _____________[?t?ut?l] number is 40. I like the pink T-shirt very much because it __________(相配) my white trousers very well. She would like to go the electrical shop to look for some _____________(随身听). You can enjoy different kinds of food from different _________________(国家). The red car is very ________________(昂贵的) and I don’t have enough money to buy it. There are twenty ________________(小刀) on those ___________ (盘子). You can choose any of it. There’re thirty _______________(中国人) and two_________________(日本人) in our class. Thank you for ________________(点菜) so many dishes for us. _______________(汉堡包) are not good for us. So don’t eat too many. Please eat _____________(蔬菜) often. They are good for you. There’re thirty _____________(芒果) and forty _____________(西红柿) on the table. You need to buy ten more ____________(公斤) of ________________(土豆). My mother has many _______________(爱好), such as playing tennis, swimming, etc. It usually takes me twenty minutes to do our after-school ________________(活动). It can give you energy for the _____________ (整个的) afternoon. I usually mix up(混淆) _____________(盐) with _____________(糖). Our family like going on ______________(假期) in Shanghai. The food my mother cooks ______________ [teists] good. There are many little _____________(绵羊) on the hill. When I was


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