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* 8A Unit 1 Friends Task A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 预习检测与导入 学习目标 1.学会根据提纲组织写作材料 2.熟练运用本单元所学词汇、词组和句型组织语言 3.合理架构文章,向别人介绍自己的好朋友 Tell me who you are thinking of... long Face Nose Eyes Hair round short bright, smiling wear a smile on his face a square face a long nose short black hair bright and smiling eyes handsome tall and strong Looks beautiful, pretty, good-looking, cute, handsome, lovely, short, strong, tall, slim, fat, smart General appearance tall, slim, pretty clever, smart, polite, friendly, kind, generous, hard-working, helpful, honest, humorous, patient, etc. Listen and answer: What is her appearance? small Face Nose Eyes Hair General appearance round long tall, slim, pretty bright, smiling Listen and answer: 1.Who’s Daniel’s best friend? 2.When did Daniel first meet her ? 3.What does she look like ? 4.What would Kate like to be when she grows up? She would like to be a teacher when she grows up. Read and answer: What is her personality? patient friendly generous helpful kind bored happy sad Fill in the blanks: Kate is both my neighbour and my best friend. I first met her five years ago. Kate is ____ and ____. She has _____ hair . She has a _____ face and a ______ nose. I like her______ ______eyes. They make her look really_______ and ______. Kate is a _____ girl. She always has a _____ on her face and looks _____. She likes to help people. Kate wants to work with children. She would like to be a teacher when she grows up. square tall slim long bright smiling small pretty kind friendly smile happy Can you tell me how to organize your ideas when writing about your best friend? Introduction: Who is she? apperance personality Conclusion: future plans My best friend (Outline) _______is my best friend. She



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