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PAGE PAGE 1 7A Unit8 Reading 2 【教学目标】 1.理解课文内容,复述文章内容。 2.??熟练运用描述服装搭配的表达。 【教学重点、难点】 掌握知识点并能熟练运用。 【教学过程】 Step1 Greetings Greet as usual and try to retell the text Step 2 Language points learning Step 3 Exercises. 【要点点击】 1. comfortable adj. 舒适的;舒服的 (反义词: uncomfortable) 阅读是我感觉很舒畅。 ______makes me _______ very ________. 2. popular adj. 流行的;受欢迎的;通俗的 流行音乐 _____________ 流行歌曲____________ be popular with/among sb. 受…….人的欢迎 新校服很受学生们的欢迎。The new school uniforms ______ ______ _______the students. 3. among prep. 在….中;在三者或以上中分配或选择 4. color n. 颜色 灰色______ 粉色______白色_______ 蓝色_______ 黄色_______橘色_______ 红色_____ 绿色______ 紫色______ 棕色_______ 5. both pron adj. 两个;两者 (通常和and 连用,区别all 表示三者以上都) both 用在助动词、be动词之后,行为动词之前。 他们俩都是学生。 They _____ ______ students. 他们俩都喜欢篮球。 They ______ ______ basketball. 6. Sandy’s red blouse is made of silk. (made 为make 的过去分词) 表示“由…..制成”be made of +材料 从制成品能看出原材料 be made from +材料 从制成品看不出原材料;经过化学作用制成 如:The desk is made wood. The paper is made wood. 另外: be made in + 生产的地点 【达标检测】 一.根据首字母及汉语意思填空。 1.How c__________ he feels after having a good sleep ! 2. I like wearing my _________(丝的)blouse very much in summer. [来源:学。科。网Z。X。3.Are grey and p_________ your favourite colours ? Yes, I like them best. 4.The pop music is always _____________(受欢迎的) among young people. They enjoy listening to it a lot. 5.Millie is wearing a pair of b______ and a black _______(羊毛的) skirt today. She looks very s______(神气的)and m_______. 6. Both the (牛仔裤) and the shoes are old.[来源:学|科|网] 7. This pair of boots m_______her skirt very well. 8. Today we are going to show you different s of clothes. 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.It is great _______ (funny) to go to the Reading Club at school. 2.Simon wants to be a basketball _______ (play). 3.The scarf matches her clothes very _______ (good). 4.This pair of jeans _______ (be) very comfortable. 5.What is your blouse _______ (make) of? 6.Kate spends about half an hour _______ (do) her ho



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