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主讲人:张婷 地下煤气化技术 专题十九 Abstract To push the underground coal gasification (UCG) technology toward commercialization, its competiveness and cost components still need to be investigated. This paper compares the power generation cost of underground coal gasification combined cycle (UCGCC) with pulverized coal (PC) plants, integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), and natural gas combined cycle (NGCC). Cost sensitivity of the UCGCC as a function of coal seam depth and thickness was also examined. The results indicate that UCGCC is very competitive compared to PC and IGCC. Within the same assumed fuel price range, the power generation cost for UCGCC was $45?48/MWh, whereas it was $45?60/MWh for PC and over $100/MWh for IGCC.The generation cost of UCGCC was as low as NGCC at low natural gas prices, but UCGCC was able to provide a lower CO2 capture cost. Dependent upon the assumed fuel prices, the capture cost for the UCGCC was $27?28/tonne of CO2, whereas it was $47?58/tonne of CO2 for NGCC. It is also found that the cost of UCGCC decreased with the increase in coal seam thickness and increased with coal seam depth, but the effect of depth was not as pronounced as that of the seam thickness.An effective way to enhance the competitiveness of UCGCC is to use thicker coal seams. 翻译 为推动地下煤气化(UCG)技术的商业化,我们仍需对它的竞争力和成本构成进行调查。这篇文章对地下煤气化联合循环(UCGCC)和煤粉厂(PC),整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)和天然气联合循环(NGCC)的发电成本进行了比较。也考察了影响地下煤气化联合循环(UCGCC)成本敏感性的煤层深度和煤层厚度。结果显示与煤粉厂(PC)和整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)相比,地下煤气化联合循环(UCGCC)具有更大的竞争力。假定同样的煤价范围,地下煤气化联合循环(UCGCC)的发电成本是45-48美元/Mwh。当天然气价格低的时候,天然气联合循环(NGCC)和地下煤气化联合循环(UCGCC)的发电成本一样,但是地下煤气化联合循环(UCGCC)技术能提供更低的CO2 捕捉成本。基于假定的煤价,地下煤气化联合循环(UCGCC)技术的CO2 捕捉成本为27-28美元/吨,而天然气联合循环(NGCC)发电的CO2 捕捉成本则为47-58美元/吨。研究还发现地下煤气化联合循环(UCGCC)的成本随着煤层深度的增加和煤层厚度的增加而降低。但是煤层厚度对成本的影响更加显著。提高地下煤气化联合循环(UCGCC)竞争力的一个有效办法就是用较厚的煤层。 目 录 CONTENTS 1. 地下煤气化(UCG)介绍 1.1 地下煤气化的原理 地下煤气化(Underground Coal Gasification,UCG)就是将处于地下的煤炭进行有控制地燃烧,通过对煤的热作用及化学作用而产生可燃气体的过程。该过程集建井、采煤、地面气化三大工艺于一体,变传统的物理采煤为化学采煤,化采煤为采气,被誉为第二代采


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