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Chapter 4 relinquish 不再采取行动,放弃(re+linqu离开+ish=再次离开,不再要=放弃) linqu=leave,表示”离开” delinquent a 有过失的,犯法的(de一再+linqu+ent=一再离开[正道]=有过失) delinquency n 失职,过失 relinquish v 放弃,防开(re远+linqu+ish=远离=放弃:re表示”远”,如remote遥远的) impetuous a 冲动的(impetus+ous) pet=seek,表示”追寻,寻求” petition n 请愿,申请(pet+ition=追寻状态=请愿) petitioner n 请愿者(petition+er) appetite n 欲望,胃口(ap加强动作+pet+ite=一再追求=有胃口) centripetal a 向心的(centri中心+pet+al=追求中心的) compete v 竞争,竞赛(com共同+pete=共同追求[一个目标]=竞争) competent a 资格的,能力的(compete+ent=竞争的,有资格的) competence n 资格,能力(compete+ence=竞争的[能力]=资格) competitive a 有竞争力的(compete+itive) incompetent a 无能的(in无+competent有能力的) impetus n 动力,冲动(im内+pet+us=内在的追求=冲动) perpetuate v 使永久,不朽(per全部,永久+pet+uate=追求永久) perpetual a 永久的(per+pet+ual) petulant a (脾气)暴躁的(pet+ulant多…的=追求太多,致脾气不好) propitiate v 获宠爱,抚慰(pro前+pit[=pet]+iate=追到前面去=获宠) propitious a 幸运的,吉祥的(pro前+pit+ious=在[别人]前面追到=幸运的) 单词词源词典 Etymologically, impetuous means ‘having impetus’. It comes from Latin impetuōsus, a derivative of the noun impetus ‘attack’ (source of English impetus [17]), which in turn was based on impetere ‘attack’. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix in- ‘against’ and petere ‘go towards, seek, attack’ (source of English appetite, compete, perpetuate, petition, petulant, and repeat). The etymological idea underlying both words is thus of ‘rushing towards something with great violence or aggression’. Another member of the same family is impetigo [16], the name of a sort of skin disease. This was borrowed from Latin impetīgō, whose medical meaning was a specialization of an earlier and much more general ‘attack’ (as in ‘an attack of eczema’). maudlin ? adj 感情脆弱的;容易伤感的 【类】mawkish ?:sentiment=pedantic:scholarship感情脆弱的有多愁善感=书生气的有学识maudlin:sentimental=obsequious:deferential=peeved:annoyed感情脆弱的:多愁善感的=谄媚的:尊敬的=气恼的:苦恼的 【同】sentimental, bathetic, mawkish 单词词源词典 maudlin ? Maudlin represents a gradual erosion of the pronunciation of Magdalen (exhibited also in the case of the Oxford and Cambridge colleges that have taken th


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