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无声空间——建筑与环境与人 系别:建筑环境艺术系 指导老师:宋燕燕 学生姓名:张宇 前言:建筑是人类居住生活发展所必须的物质需求。是人用建筑材料从自然空间中围隔出来的一种人造空间,最早的建筑雏形是原始部落的窝棚,安全成了第一需求,只要能躲避风雨虫兽的袭击,能“庇天下寒士”就足够了。随着建筑的发展与人类物质生活的提高,人类对于建筑的要求就不单单是居住这一项功能了,现代人似乎更注重建筑的精神性,更迫切地需求一种“短篱寻丈间,寄我无穷境”的精神性物质载体。因此更加多样的空间形式与功能也渐渐的被提出,其中就例如本次设计所涉及的展览型建筑与疗养型建筑。在这两类的建筑中除了在空间上的需求以外,环境元素的比例也占得十分的大。因为人们对生存环境质量的期望值越来越好高,所以建筑与环境的关系成为当下建筑界讨论的焦点。 内容摘要:建筑与环境与人的关系式人与自然与环境,人与建筑和谐共存的最高境界,本论文就是针对无声空间——予乐园这以设计中的建筑与环境与人之间的关系进行讨论与研究的。在予乐园无声空间的设计中大量的运用了人与设计的和谐统一的关系,那其中建筑与人具体是什么样的关系呢?在讨论这个问题的时候不得不先提一下建筑与环境、人与环境的关系,其中对于它们之间的联系简单的总结为这几点:人创造出建筑与环境。环境影响和衬托着建筑,但也是独立的存在。建筑与环境又深刻的影响着人类的生活与生产。所以可以得到的结论是,优秀的建筑景观作品应该随着时间的变化而生长着变化着完善着,它们之间的协调部是单单的只求形式、表面的相同或相似而是更深层次的结合与统一。 关键词:建筑 人 环境 和谐 生长 ABSTRACT:Building and environment and the relation between the people and the environment, human and nature harmonious coexistence of people and building the supreme realm, this thesis is aimed at silent space -- to Disneyland this to design the architecture and the relationship between the environment and people to discuss and research. In the design of silent space to park a lot of use of the relationship between the harmony between people and design, the construction and concrete is what kind of relationship? When discussing this problem have to mention the architecture and environment, the relationship between human and environment, and among them of the contact between them the simple summary for this: people create architecture and environment. Environmental impact and foil the building, but it is also an independent existence. Building and environment and profound influence on human life and production. So I can get the conclusion that the outstanding works of landscape architecture should be as the change of time and with changing to perfect, the coordination between them is just for form, on the surface of the combination and unity of the same or similar but at a deeper


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