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头晕相关的脑解剖 Cerebellum Anatomy Relevant to Dizziness Timothy C. Hain, MD Marcello Cherchi, M.D., Ph.D. Page last modified: June 14, 2009 This page is meant to provide a general outline of cerebellar function. It is adapted from a clinical neuroanatomy lecture given on a yearly basis to Northwestern PT students. This page is under construction and should not be relied upon. The cerebellum with surrounding skull and spinal fluid occupies the bottom 1/3 of this axial MRI image. What is the cerebellum and what does it do ? The cerebellum is part of the brain. It lies under the cerebrum, towards the back, behind the brainstem and above the brainstem. The cerebellum is largely involved in coordination. Persons whose cerebellum doesnt work well are generally clumsy and unsteady. They may look like they are drunk even when they are not.? Gross Anatomy: Cerebellar Hemispheres and Vermis ? Cerebellar hemispheres, each containing a lateral and an intermediate portion ? Vermis, situated between the two cerebellar hemispheres; is basically circular (interrupted by fourth ventricle ventrally) Gross Anatomy: Lobes Lobules ? Anterior lobe: o 1. Lingula o 2. Central lobule o 3. Culmen ? Posterior lobe: o 4. Declive o 5. Folium o 6. Tuber o 7. Pyramis o 8. Uvula o 9. Tonsil ? Flocculonodular lobe: o (10.) Flocculus nodulus Gross Anatomy: Fissures ? Primary fissure: separates anterior and posterior lobes ? Horizontal fissure: separates posterior lobe’s rostral lobules (declive, folium) from its caudal lobules (tuber, pyramis, uvula, tonsil) ? Posterolateral fissure: separates posterior and flocculonodular lobes Connections with brainstem: ? Superior cerebellar peduncle connects to midbrain ? Middle cerebellar peduncle connects to pons ? Inferior cerebellar peduncle connects to medulla Sections of the Cerebellum Vestibulocerebellum or archicerebellum ? Comprises the flocculonodular lobe ? Extensive connections with the vestibular system ? Phylogenetically oldes


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