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Language Points 1. This was intended to make an already existing practice more transparent and to offer legal protection for the physician involved, provided strictly defined requirements for careful practice were met. (Line2-4) Translation: 安乐死在荷兰早已存在,该法案实施使安乐死的做法更加透明,并为参与协助安乐死的医生提供了法律保护。但前提是,医生必须严格按照法律程序办事。 Paraphrase: If the physician could comply strictly with the defined requirements to exercise careful practice, this Euthanasia Act would legalize the existing practice and protect the physician involved. ■ Sentences: Language Points 2. This research aimed to compare the requests for euthanasia posed over the 5 years before implementation with requests over the 5 year implementation, using data from the Dutch Sentinel Practice Network. (Line 8-10) Translation: 该研究的目的是,通过对来自荷兰哨兵实践网络数据的分析,来比较法案实施前五年及后五年里人们请求安乐死的情况。 Paraphrase: The objective of this research is to compare the requests for euthanasia presented over 5 years before and after the implementation of the Euthanasia Act, with the help of data from the Dutch Sentinel Practice Network. ■ Sentences: Language Points 3. Both unbearable suffering and, to a less extent, dyspnoea showed an upward trend after 2002, but, similar to hopefulness and pain, differences between the mean incidences before and after implementation were not statistically significant. (Line42-44) Translation: 安乐死法案于2002年施行后,病人因难以忍受的折磨和呼吸困难而选择安乐死的情况有所上升,只是呼吸困难这个原因的上升趋势没有那么明显。同绝望与疼痛这两个原因一样,难以忍受折磨和呼吸困难而导致的选择安乐死的平均概率,在法案施行前后并没有明显的差异。 Paraphrase: After 2002, both unbearable suffering and dyspnoea took an upward change, although compared with unbearable suffering, dyspnoea caused less incidences. However, the mean incidences before and after implementation were not significantly different, which is similar to those of hopefulness and pain. ■ Sentences: Language Points 4. It should be noted that implementation of the Act took place after extended political and media discussion and therefore, may have been a formalization of an already existing prac



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